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Zell Am See - Lammergeier? (2 Viewers)


Well-known member

I'm visiting Zell Am See for a week from next weekend, can anyone confirm if Lammergeier is a realistic target nearby please, plus any other specialities?

Really surprised how little info there is available for bird watching in this general area and I've already tried the Austria Birdlife website.


Hi Neil

We were at Zell am see last year and made several trips to the Grossglockner, sadly without seeing any vultures, we had one Golden Eagle plus Snowfinch at the first chalet/café and Alpine Accentor just across the road from there. We took the cable car from Zell am See where we had
Ring Ousel, MS Wdpckr, Water Pipit and the ever present Black Redstarts.
Krimml Falls was so busy and we missed the Wall Creepers & Nutcracker.

It was a disappointing trip birdwise but still an amazing place and we will return soon.

If I remember there is some information on Fatbirder trip reports.


Brilliant, thanks guys and I'll run the full trip report through google translate later.



I'm visiting Zell Am See for a week from next weekend, can anyone confirm if Lammergeier is a realistic target nearby please, plus any other specialities?

Really surprised how little info there is available for bird watching in this general area and I've already tried the Austria Birdlife website.



Try this site. www.ornitho.at Look up last 15 days, then Salzburg, then ZE for Zell am See

You'll need to register to use the search and map functions fully but a lot of info is available without registering. There may also be restrictions until you contribute a certain number of sightings. This year is a Bird Atlas year in Austria so it should be quite busy. Report of Lammergeier with 20 Griffon Vulture on there from Zell area from 19th August.

Searches in German would probably get you a lot more info. Lammergeier is Bartgeier. You could also try Birdingpal and see if there's anybody on it who knows the area.

Tom, thanks for the last post.

Thus far it's been a struggle, we've managed Alpine Chough and Nutcracker, but despite much searching today up the Grossglokner I cannot find either Alpine Accentor or Snow Finch, although we did have 4 Griffon Vultures.

Good numbers of passing migrants in Zel area too including possible Collard Flycatcher?

Tomorrow trying for Lammergeier but directions on this link are vague and my German is rubbish:

Last edited:
Had an adult Lammergeier today past the road to Rauris :)

Just missed out on Wallcreeper too :-(

I'll post a trip report at the weekend.
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