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Worthwhile upgrade for not silly money? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
As I am going to send the Opticron traveller's back, lovely binoculars, but felt a little to big and heavy for hiking, so will stick with my compacts.

As this does free up some cash, I was wondering about upgrading my main bins. These are the Hawke Frontier ED 8x43, nothing special I will admit, but suits me.
I was wondering what I would need to spend to see a marked improvement over the Hawkes? I don't mean spending silly money on any of the Alpha bins.
Is there anything available for around £400 plus what I would get for the Hawkes?
These are the ones I have.


Differences are likely to be minor if you're looking at 700-850 binoculars above these - the law of diminishing returns sets in quite quickly. Best advice is to try models if you can. The GPO Passion HD 8x42 gets good reviews at around £800, but I've not personally tried it.
If you are concerned about weight, wouldn’t converting to an 8 (or 10) x 32 a better option ?
Less weight from the barrels, objectives and internal prism, etc.
I think to see any great improvement over the Hawke's with a roof prism, you would have to move up to about the £800 or $1000 price point, and then you could look at binoculars like the Zeiss Conquest HD 8x32 or the Nikon Monarch MHG 8x42. If you want to stay at £400, and you want an improvement in optics you need to consider a porro prism which offers more bang for the buck than a roof. At £400 I would seriously look at a Nikon E2 8x30. It is light, has great build quality, a huge FOV, better optics than your Hawke's and the 3D view porro prism binoculars are known for. It is very popular for a reason!
Try opticron DBA VHD+
I nearly bought some before the Auroras came out. They were about £600 if I remember, but they might be found cheaper now.
Exceptional for the money.
But, as I've said on here before, warranted second hand from a dealer can yield excellent results. I'd miss Ebay out though.
Try Ace Optics
Clifton cameras
Focal Point Optics etc.
Way more bang for your buck!!

Also, classifieds on here, I think on the whole we're a decent bunch.
Try opticron DBA VHD+
I nearly bought some before the Auroras came out. They were about £600 if I remember, but they might be found cheaper now.
Exceptional for the money.
But, as I've said on here before, warranted second hand from a dealer can yield excellent results. I'd miss Ebay out though.
Try Ace Optics
Clifton cameras
Focal Point Optics etc.
Way more bang for your buck!!

Also, classifieds on here, I think on the whole we're a decent bunch.
The only thing I don't like about the Opticron DBA VHD+ is the relatively small 366 foot FOV on the 8x and the 315 foot FOV on the 10x. The Aurora is fine with a FOV on the 8x of 423 feet and 348 feet on the 10x, but it is in Nikon MHG and Zeiss Conquest HD territory at $1K.
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I have seen a pair of Opticron Aurora 8x42, ex-dems in a camera shop with £200 off the retail price.
Would these be a big enough improvement over my Hawkes?
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