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Withymoor - Amblecote, Stourbridge..... (4 Viewers)

No internet for 3 days from Saturday until Tuesday as we were travelling. This included the Kars - Ankara Anatolian (Dogu) Express which did not have Wifi or certainly didn’t in the Cattle Class that were the only seats available making 30 hours a challenge to say the least. I will do a final post on the travel aspect which, in order to undertake the above marathon train journey, wasn’t worth it for us with regard to logistics and birds seen but hey-ho it’s been done…..

The last day up at Station 1 Sakhalvasho was very pleasant and once again a glorious day with bright conditions in the morning until about 2pm when it turned hazy. Friday was the quietest of the 4 visits indeed since then subsequent days have been very, very quiet at both stations with a day count of 8k+ Steppe Buzzards at Shuamta being the exception in addition singles of Egyptian Vulture, another White-tailed Eagle and the first Griffon Vulture of the season have all been recorded at Station 2.

My personal tally is as follows.

Both species of Stork. Always nice to see Black but today a flock of White put in an appearance. The latter are always scarce during my visits I presume populations are both more Westerly in origin and move mainly mid-August to mid-September?

Great White Pelican - a bird, heading North this time, could be a different bird from the Southbound bird but either way was just a day tick.

A smart adult Egyptian Vulture was my only one of the trip but another Crested Honey Buzzard was my 2nd for the trip my 3rd for Batumi.

Honey Buzzards numbered several hundred and I had excellent views of a range of colour variations including some very dark birds. Likewise I clocked about 30 Short-toed Eagles both adult and juvenile.

Lesser Spotted Eagles glided past in ones and twos until ‘Eagle o’clock’ when the flood gates opened at around 3pm. This species started appearing in with other raptor kettles. One bird stood out like a dick on a dog. It was Golden pale and you could pick it out easily. Afaik this species doesn’t have a ‘fulvescens’ form so it was just individual variation and very nice too. 5 Greater Spotted including distinct pale tipped upperwing birds and half a dozen Steppe a couple reasonably close between the hill and the sea. Many birds were not specifically identifiable by the counters.

Harriers were few but Marsh dominated. I managed 3 out of 4 Pallid including a freshly sprayed adult male and the only Monty of the day.

Just over 5k birds for the day but again quality over quantity is the mantra.

Another jaw-dropping trip for me and I can see it being repeated again next year but flying into either Tblisi or probably Kutaisi if direct flights from Luton resume to the latter. Batumi is a possibility but it would mean a change at Istanbul. One day had over 50 observers but visitors were not as numerous as previous trips. I re-aquainted with Noam Wiess from Eilat who was part of a lecture package for those willing to pay for such things but i heard his talk numerous times in the Spring.

The only slightly negative aspect of the Sak visits were some of the counters using the count tablet to play pop songs on from time to time when there was a lull in migrants. This while indulging in checking their social media a lot of the time. I did say to one of them ‘is this going on all day’ this was met with a shrug so I said that if I wanted loud music whilst birding I might have well stopped in Batumi! I wasn’t alone in finding this irritating and out of place in the peace and tranquility of the viewing station. Had it been more frequent it could have ended badly - other visitors commented accordingly. At 67 I am nearly 3x the age of some of the counters so it probably reflects my age but also theirs I feel - it will be mentioned on the BRC Faecebook page and I will be interested to see what if any response is forthcoming.

The next post will be birds seen on the last leg of the trip which is the train bit. As stated a travel post will also be put up as it might be found useful. I will also put up a series of images to round off the whole thing…..

Good birding -

Laurie -

Batumi - Sakhalvasho
Friday 22 September 2023​

Counting period: 06:54 - 17:30
Count type: Storks and raptors
Observers: Pamela Carvajal, Thomas Los, Eirik Kersten, Marc Heetkamp, Eka Tevdorashvili, Simon Hugheston-Roberts, Peter Symens, Koen Dierckx

Black Stork22-
White Stork21-
Great White Pelican-1
Egyptian Vulture1-
Honey Buzzard321-
Crested Honey Buzzard1-
Short-toed Eagle46-
Lesser Spotted Eagle171-
Greater Spotted Eagle5-
Booted Eagle263-
Steppe Eagle7-
large eagle sp131-
Marsh Harrier21-
Pallid Harrier4-
Montagu's Harrier1-
Hen/Montagu's/Pallid Harrier3-
Black Kite4051-
Steppe Buzzard150-
European Roller3-
Totals: 5242 individuals, 21 species, 10:36 hours

Batumi - Shuamta
Friday 22 September 2023​

Counting period: 06:47 - 17:32
Count type: Storks and raptors
Weather: Sunny morning, clouds coming in in the afternoon
Observers: Jos Koopman, Frank Halberts, Kasper Wieck, Samuel Prettyman, Reinier de Vries, Jarno Michielissen, Milosz Cousens, June Heene & 'tourist' Fernando Gross

Black Stork49-
Honey Buzzard230-
Short-toed Eagle20-
Lesser Spotted Eagle48-
Booted Eagle41-
Steppe Eagle1-
large eagle sp104-
Marsh Harrier28-
Pallid Harrier3-
Hen/Montagu's/Pallid Harrier2-
Black Kite918-
Steppe Buzzard1619-
Totals: 3135 individuals, 14 species, 10:45 hours

Bold = Notable observation (scarce or rare species or large number)
Comments: Also slower days exist in Batumi. The only highlight of today was a pelican wich came (back) to say hallo, also today station 2 managed to pick up the bird far in the west. With some coke and weird fanta from the cafe and the presence of a really sharp tourist on station we had still an enjoyable day!!
Saturday morning the 23rd saw us waving bye-bye to Batumi taking a Marshrutka to the border at Sarpi then another to Hopa coach station before a 5.5 hour coach up the mountains to Kars. A local hotel was found for an overnight stop to board the Dogu Express at 8am the next morning.

The journey from Hopa to Kars was very pleasant with slowly but surely rising in altitude over about 4 hours. The ruggedness of the mountains and associated geology didn’t fail to impress. As did the impressive tunnels through the hillsides. There were literally dozens and dozens of them many of half to a mile in length and one of nearly 4m - truly impressive. I marvelled at where all the spoil went and how many tonnes of concrete must have been poured and more importantly how did they get up there before that!

Eventually there was light at the end of the tunnel system and we emerged blinking onto the Western Anatolian Plateau for the remainder of the ride. This consists of rolling grassland low hills and the odd ravine. Here and there bits of wetland shimmered - forgot to mention, on the way up there were hydro barrages galore - quite what it’s done to the riparian habitat God only knows but Turkey gotta ‘modernise’. Erdogan had/has plans for two thousand dams so it’s bye-bye Dippers and chasmophyte flora. The new Istanbul International Airport we flew into occupies the space that some 16 million Oaks once did so we are part of the problem - if you are in a ‘traffic jam’ you are the traffic jam as they say…..

The Anatolian Plateau occupies roughly 2/3 of the Turkish landmass and is Asia Minor of historical reference.

Had we been travelling in April or May i have no doubt that there would have been plenty of associated Passerine species e.g. Larks, Pipits, Wagtails and Buntings etc not to mention ground-nesting Harriers. There was evidence of arable crops having been harvested so plenty of nesting cover for all sorts of species. Of visual intrusion was ‘landscape plastic’ - does nobody pick anything up? At least the region has not been ruined by EU agricultural subsidies. If Turkey ever joined it would bankrupt the EU that’s for sure. Look no further than our own farmland to see the destructive effect that 40 years has had I.e. 80 Million birds less no wonder there is eff all to see away from the coast and pocket-handkerchief managed reserves.

Birding really started with the Kars-Ankara train.

8am - 1830 in daylight, 1830 - 7am in the dark, 7am until 1330 in the light.

The first section in rolling plateau country descending through low mountains overnight and the first 3 hours next morning then about 10pm winding through lowland with wider plains, cultivation and rivers appearing rather than the steep mountain rivulets.

I rather like the challenge of birding from moving public transport particularly coaches as they tend to move slower certainly in places we go to like Portugal, Spain and particularly Morocco. I have clocked Black-winged Kite, White-rumped Swift, Desert Finch and a super close calling (from a mound) smart male Double-spurred Francolin - all these in ‘Spain dirty’ Morocco a wonderful country for birds.

The Dogu Express was no exception as it travelled at the stately speed of around 50-60 km per hour. I could almost hear my nails grow but it did afford decent views of a range of species although small passerines always prove frustrating and so some species remain unidentified. The train often slowed down to 15-20kmph and I often wondered are we going in a loop or are we ever to arrive?

Below is an annotated list of species seen and identified. Fortunately I used The Bride’s optics a pair of Optician 8x42 rather than my 12x Swaros the former ideal for trainspotting.

White Wagtail - lots, haven’t checked if the subspecies is any different from the nominate ‘alba’.

Eastern Jackdaw - loads often with Rooks. The subspecies with the lighter present on the nape set in the general pale area.

Swallow - lots on migration.

Corn Bunting - a most impressive flock estimated at 1k - how much of the UK breeding population would that be?

Starling - large numbers on low power lines like something out of Hitchcock’s The Birds.

Grey Heron - around the Barrages and on the rivers nearer Ankara.

Purple Heron - a single noted.

Kestrel - lots and lots.

Long-legged Buzzard - the standout species with over 300 birds seen en-route. These varied both in plumage and numbers with many well-marked birds. Singles hunting, pairs hunting and groups of upto half a dozen birds walking ploughed areas for food. Very nice to see so many as my experience has been limited to a handful of ‘cirtensis’ birds from Maroc.

Ruddy Shelduck - a party of c30 on a small pool.

GG Shrike - a number of birds seen no idea of what race until I look it up.

Lapwing - small parties feeding in stubble.

Hooded Crow - everywhere often with Jackdaws and Rooks.

Pygmy Cormorant - in excess of 100 birds in small groups on the rivers near Ankara.

Rock Thrush - a single juv/female seen.

Small Gamebird sp - 4 small brown featureless birds seen walking the edge of a field. I thought they must be See-See Partridge but the range is further South East so I don’t know what they were?

Yellow-legged Gull - looked a bit different on mantle and upperwing markings so maybe Eastern birds but I don’t have any experience.

Magpie - again presumable the same subspecies although there might be an Eastern race.

Collared Dove - nice to see as my local birds are declining. To actually see them in their region of origin Asia Minor iirc Collared Dove first record for Britain was actually a breeding pair in Cromer, Norfolk during the ‘50s.

Crag Martin - odd pairs hawking.

Green Sandpiper - single.

Black Kite - having seen 35k+ in a day at Sakhalvasho I will just say 'noted'.

Red-footed Falcon - a couple of hawking juvenile types seen.

Hobby - juvenile single only.

Levant Sparrowhawk - a party of 8 hunting around Kars Station and odd birds en-route.

Twite - a species not seen for 30 years. I used to survey breeding birds when living in Lancashire’s Western Pennines but only a coupla birds at a grotty Midlands reservoir since. Nice to see odd pairs sitting one fence wire during the journey.

Teal/Garganey - one unspecifically identified female/juv seen in flight.

Ring Ouzel - a rather smart male on a post.

Crested Lark - several going on habitat I.e. low cultivated.

Little Egret - on the rivers.

Marsh Harrier - 2 female types hunting along a river.

Good birding -

Laurie -
Some pics.....


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More pics.....


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On my first trip up to the Argo I alighted to see a group of staff members looking down at something on the floor. It turned out to be a recently deceased..........Scops Owl!

I picked it up thinking it must have hit a window. Further examination revealed gunshot wounds - it must have been hit and managed to make it to the tower before bleeding out poor thing. My initial thoughts were how could a Scops Owl be hit but I assume it was flushed from a daytime roost and blasted with a shotgun.

I handed it to the counters after 3 days in the hotel fridge. They are going to use it for educational purposes.

All shots are counted at Sak and this year were very few and far between but that probably reflects the good weather and high streams. These birds have to pass through Macho Central e.g. Lebanon and beyond where they think nothing about shooting each other never mind migrating birds. Bird shooting is illegal in Georgia and if the Adjara regional government wants to encourage ecotourism then a grip has to be got. Like with all laws it is down to enforcement and people not wanting to engage in this sort of activity. There are plenty of people involved with schoolchildren and education so it should gradually diminish over time.

A similar attitude prevails over here amongst some of the shooting and gamekeeping fraternity so we have our own house to get in order if we are supposed to be an example to others.....

Good birding -

Laurie -


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New phone new wallpaper.

This pale-morph adult Booted Eagle was taken last year from the Tarifa watchpoint i prefer only about a mile from the city walls - you pass by the recently established breeding Common Bulbuls as a bonus.

The bird thermalled up from the adjacent low valley and just gently drifted over eyeballing me as it did so.....

Good birding -

Laurie -


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Last for today.


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Somebody asked about the wine.

Good stuff.

With an 8k, iirc, history of Viniculture and an estimated (minimum) of 400 'varieties' what's not to like. The grape is imbued into Georgian culture and history and features everywhere. Vines twist up lamp posts and trail across roads utilising anything it can. We stood at a bus stop that doubled as an arbour heaving under the weight of ripening grapes. Almost everybody makes wine and if they don't have a small plot or vineyard they buy and press a batch to last the year. Indeed my taxi driver, Mindy, is a Muslim and he presses several hundred litres annually. It's worth popping into places that have a good range and sample 4 or 5 glasses. Even the Soviets celebrated the history by incorporating it into their Cold War tiled murals up in the wine-making region of Khaketi.....

Laurie -
Things are starting to wind down and the counts since we left haven't made anything like the same figures although there have been several <10k Steppe Buzzard days at Shuamta but also complete full and half rained off days. They have just pushed through the 1M barrier but it won't be a record-breaking 1.5M+ this year - maybe birds have gone around the top end of the Caucasus via Burgas?

Despite all that it appears to have been a record year for Crested/Oriental Honey Buzzard with a minimum of 35 identified this year.

Good birding -

Laurie -


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Today's batch - there won't be many more and then I will do a travel summary with distances, prices etc.

I am deliberately not posting ID in order to give people a chance to scratch their heads as indeed I had to.....from time to time ;-)


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More including the monster GWP with 'fighter' escort + one of the lovely Sak dogs that I bought scraps up for each day.....


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The Monty was very dark so could be in the dark morph category.....


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More from the 21st Sept.


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The Eagle with the missing/moulting tail feather jinked 180 degrees when it heard a gunshot late afternoon a few kilometres away. A good number of birds showed unusual moult patterns and would appear to be aware of the dangers associated with low flying. They still have to navigate the macho nightmare of the Lebanon yet. Honey Buzzards, believe it or not, are traditionally eaten by the locals. Sparrowhawks are still trapped for falconry but iirc released after a season or two. Oddly birds are not shot in the Spring as there is no appetite for shooting breeding birds.....


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