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Out of Collimation

So my poetry is practical and funny, who knew? Not me!

Why, in almost all
Of my Little Grebe photos
Do they face away?

Practical and funny? Well, your newest take at haiku is the most practical and most funny of all, I assure you!

- I? That's the whole point of course: Those lesser minds (myself and the other guy who I stole the woodpecking idea from, what's his name and where has he gone anyway?) understand what they can ….. not knowing that your haikus are great art by all standards. I've been told that it's only in the bible and the US constitution that everyone can find something he likes and understands, but now I have to complete the sentence: It's the bible, the US constitution and mathares poetry! (I don’t know your religious or political attitudes, so don’t feel offended anyway …..)

Well, I'm getting practical too. Is there any haiku at all about collimation? You say no? Now there is one, and it's called: Collimation!

Collimation 's lost:
double image, half pleasure.
Why did I drop it?

Very practical, eh? - Funny? Possibly, if the binos are not yours!

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