Had a great walk around Willowbank, between Peterhead and Longside today. Either side of the old longside/peterhead railway line there are two "new" walk paths that were made accessible a couple of years ago, Buthlaw River Ugie path, and Faichfield Burn path. Both take you for a farmland loop over a couple of miles, one taking you alongside the River Ugie. And if you find the dodgy bridge to cross to the other side to what I call "The Island" that isn't actually an island, I'm wondering if you can walk all the way back to Inverugie on the cut grass path, following it along the river to Ravenscraig Castle and Inverugie (though you would be on the wrong side for the castle). I'm planning on doing that this summer sometime.
Anyway, weather was very windy, but wasn't cold so wasn't too bothered. Very quickly I had 3 raptors on my list, and ended up with 4.
I parked up, and before I even got out of the tree's onto the path I spotted a
Buzzard. Great. Then soon after as I was between the fields I heard a
Great Spotted Woodpecker calling from a little hawthorn tree in the ditch. Calling a lot more than I've ever heard before. Again and again and again. Seemed unusual for GSW so I started to doubt it. I peeked into the hawthorn and it stopped calling and I couldnt see it, all I could see were
3 Wrens, 2 of them juveniles

. Just as I was giving up the bird took off and let me know that it was GSW after all. I was pleased with this. Always good to get a woodpecker!
Straight after, waaay in the distance I spotted a large whiteish bird, I thought gull at first, but getting the binoculars on it, showed it to be an
Osprey. It was far too far to get decent pictures and it never came any closer, but it hung out there for quite some time. Just tormenting me! I gave up on it and as I turned my attention elsewhere, almost immediately I spotted a brown raptor flying low across the field, and assumed it was the buzzard I'd just seen, but noticed it was very messy looking - feathers missing all over the place. So started taking some pictures, and realised this wasn't the buzzard, but was actually something else! but what? I didn't know

Checked my guide that I carry, and to me it looked most like juvenile or female marsh harrier. All brown, except head/face and that it had one or two stubby grey feathers on tail and wings. I suspected MH before checking the guide. I wasn't sure though, so posted it in ID forum and I think the consensus seems to be that it was a 2cy male
Marsh Harrier with its grey adult plumage coming through.
BOOM. 3 raptors, Not even ten minutes into my walk yet! My face = 😊
MH was a first for me.
For a while after this it was all the farmland casuals -
reed bunting, yellowhammer, skylark, pheasant, swallow + some
swift. And as I walked along the riverside there were probably hundreds of
Sand Martins. I gave up counting at 100. Also, got 2
Moorhen, 1 of them a juvenile. Crossed the river bridge to "the island", which is more like a tree island standing out among the surrounding fields rather than being surrounded by water. Normally here I'd get all the finches and tits, I got a couple, but was missing goldfinches, chaffinchs and linnets this time. But I did spot my 4th raptor! Smallish grey raptor flew down the bank to the river and rounded the bend. I actually ran to the bend to see it if I could catch it. Luckily it had perched up while I caught up and just as I got a glimpse of it through the binoculars it took off down the river again. It was just enough though to see that it was a
Other notables were probably the
Carrion/Hooded Crow hybrid and the
Tree Sparrows just off the railway line
. Seen at least 20 tree sparrows, and I bet there's a lot more. They were mingling with a crowd of
House sparrow. I have no idea what the tree sparrow population is in the countryside of aberdeenshire, but this seems to be a great spot for them as I always see flocks of them at this spot, whereas almost never anywhere else, and if I do, it's one or two. I know strathbeg has a good number.
Got 35 on my list today. One day in the winter I only got about 7 in the same area!
Good times.