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Whitby in November (4 Viewers)


Active member
I'm going to be in Whitby at the end of November and will have a couple of days to do some birding (27th & 28th)

I don't drive, so can anyone recommend walkable places to birdwatch? I've never been before!

Thanks in advance.
I'm going to be in Whitby at the end of November and will have a couple of days to do some birding (27th & 28th)

I don't drive, so can anyone recommend walkable places to birdwatch? I've never been before!

Thanks in advance.

You would probably be better at filey, there are buses although its quite a long run.
bus to scarborough and then the train, would be faster. make sure you have map of filey.

you might be able to get train to somewhere near sleddale, from whibty. There is a red breasted goose at scaling dam )
I'm going to be in Whitby at the end of November and will have a couple of days to do some birding (27th & 28th)

I don't drive, so can anyone recommend walkable places to birdwatch? I've never been before!

Thanks in advance.


Plenty of Whitby sites covered in this post:


In late November most interest will be around the harbour/sewage outfall (seaduck at outfall, purple sandpipers and possibility of scarcer gulls in harbour); both easily walkable from the town centre.

Robin Hood's Bay easily reached by bus (to Scarboro) and if you like a long walk then follow coast path back to Whitby but it's a fair walk. Sandsend Bay can be reached by walking (or catch the Middlesboro bus and wak back.)

Robin Hood's Bay easily reached by bus (to Scarboro) and if you like a long walk then follow coast path back to Whitby but it's a fair walk.

This is a very nice walk - easily my favourite section of the coastal part of the Cleveland Way. It's seven miles at the most, so shouldn't be too difficult.

That late in the month I would ignore the advice about heading for Filey. Just as well to save time and concentrate on the harbour area.

Thanks for all the replies and suggestions - think I'll do the Sandsend walk and check out the quarry and woodland
Hi All,

Got back from my trip today and had a great time. Never made it to Sandsend, but that was due to the after effects of my friends wedding!!

Did manage to get some birding in around the harbour and along the beach though and the highlights were a male Stonechat and some Rock Pipits.

Thanks again,

Hi All,

Got back from my trip today and had a great time. Never made it to Sandsend, but that was due to the after effects of my friends wedding!!

Did manage to get some birding in around the harbour and along the beach though and the highlights were a male Stonechat and some Rock Pipits.

Thanks again,


Mmm, hangover in Whitby eh..? Sounds like the Goth w/end...:-O
Thinking of poing down fro a day or 2. Its lloks windy on forcast.

Possible snow on the moors this week?

Anyone heard how mad its gonna be....assum it will be light sprinkling? si the rough legged still around sleddale?
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