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What Spring Migrants have you seen so far, 2022 (1 Viewer)

Little Ringed Plover today at Staines Res- first for London today (not seen by me!).

Had a Chiffchaff Sunday, but possibly an over-winterer, though hadn't seen one all winter there.

There were 2 Little Ringed Plover reported last weekend at Martin Mere Lancashire - which seems very early. 2 were photographed at Marshside which isn't that far away.
So far I have:
Hooded Merganser
Ring-necked Duck
Red-winged Blackbird
Turkey Vulture
Northern Pintail
Common Goldeneye
Lesser Scaup
American Coot
Northern Shoveler
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (seen on February 20, which is rare, only one other winter record for my county)
Sandhill Crane
Common Grackle
Wood Duck
American Woodcock

Admittedly, there is a fine line between migrant waterfowl and wintering waterfowl.
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I've not had much time to go out lately...most exciting was my first campus American Robin of the spring (I know they technically overwinter, but hadn't seen a local one in some time).
Still early days in Aberdeen, but last weekend produced the first Lesser Black-backed Gull of the year and, more surprisingly, my earliest ever Manx Shearwater here.
Had at least 4-5 skylarks singing and giving song in flights at Eagle Heights just outside swanley on Sunday.
Over the past few days I've had Ring-necked Duck, Wood Duck, Ring-billed Gull, Sandhill Crane, and Killdeer.
Skylarks seen and heard just inside Glasgow on Feb 27th.
We heard skylarks singing near Cley when we were down there in mid-January.

Otherwise our usual spring garden visitation of siskins arrived on time on the 1st March (dunno if these are Scandiwegian winter visitors fattening up before going home or wanderers from the Northumberland breeding population, but this happens every year around the same time).
I've seen all the Hirundines here now with the exception of Red-rumped Swallow, Barn Swallows and House Martins are all over the place. No Common Swifts yet for me.
More from this morning:
Horned Grebe
Pied-billed Grebe
Greater Scaup
Blue-winged Teal
Yellow-rumped Warbler (though maybe technically still overwintering?)
Double-crested Cormorant
Several migrants seen here in SW Turkey but Hoopoes stand out. 9 today- flock of 7 great to see in the sunshine. 2 Black storks leisurely passing over my street a bonus too.
Purple Martin and Swallow-tailed Kite. Also have had a Summer Tanager, but she's been hanging around my yard all winter so it doesn't quite count.
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