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I watched a Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) harrying a perched Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) at a range of fifty yards or so. (yesterday)
The Hawk was facing away from me, and perched on a fence. The surprising thing to me was the fact that the Mockingbird actually made contact with the hawk, in the middle of its back, at least a half-dozen times. There was no mistaking the fact.
I had seen an aerial incident some days ago, where I thought there was contact, but couldn’t be sure. This time I was sure.
I never realized that Mockingbirds were so bold, or so fierce, I’m not sure which. (or maybe so dumb)
Zeiss SF 8X32.
Wow! I have never seen anything like it...
...I just had time to register that it looked like a hawk, but usually the little bird is the pursuer, and the catch was made. The speed and maneuverability were astonishing. Such reflexes!
I would think under good conditions I can spot one at about 1km. For me, peregrines start becoming tricky to see with the unaided eye at about 700/800m (assuming reasonable seeing conditions) but the European common buzzard (a little smaller and slighter than the American redtail), being larger, blockier, and slower, can be seen from further away.Anyone have any idea how far away a soaring Red-tail is visible to a human?
Thank you.I would think under good conditions I can spot one at about 1km. For me, peregrines start becoming tricky to see with the unaided eye at about 700/800m (assuming reasonable seeing conditions) but the European common buzzard (a little smaller and slighter than the American redtail), being larger, blockier, and slower, can be seen from further away.
Where have you been?I'm skeptical...
Crows are excellent flyers, and sometimes (like in your case) they fly for fun. They can even glide:I just saw a crow fly backwards by launching into the wind from point a, and flapping slowly enough to drift backwards to point b, and landing there.
Habicht 8X30 W
It launched from the top of the leafed-out tree, and landed near the top of the dead tree.
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