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Weather For February 2012 (1 Viewer)

Gorgeous sunny day here with not a cloud in the stunning blue sky :t: Very heavy frost overnight with temperatures down to -7C :eek!: Daytime temp rarely getting above 2C all day.
We're still on the cold side of the front with temperatures struggling to get above freezing. The overnight snowfall was a joke here and it was all gone by mid morning.


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Its cold with a bit of snow here but we did get some space weather last night!!


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Lovely shots, Dafi.
Rain Saturday, temps up to 12c, but a lovely sunny day Sunday & much chillier.
Similar today & only 2c.
Bit of a wild day today with the strong SW wind blowing a hooley as the day progressed! Sunny at times and a very pleasant 10C :t:

Had my first dandelions in full bloom today but no sign of coltsfoot yet despite my looking very hard! Hubby is now a bit bemused at my interest in botany....says it's bad enough me looking for birds everwhere we go without adding flowers to the mix! :-O
'Oop North', Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & yesterday, it was warm, but drizzly a lot of the time. Maximum 17c, warmer than Devon, so OH said.
Today here it's overcast & 10c.
Had quite a lot of sunshine today, very calm and nice. Considering it's February it's really warm - have had the windows and back door open a couple of times over the last few days and spent this afternoon sitting in the garden watching the female Blackbird gathering mud and grass for her nest.
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