Local rarity
This is a pretty essential reference on the topic:
Hi Colin
Just clarify Meresyside does exist still, and Wirral Borough council (i.e. North Wirral) is still part of Merseyside. But there is no Merseyside Bird Report as that bit of Meresyside north of the Mersey (i.e. Liverpool etc.) is covered by the Lancashire Bird Report and that bit of Merseyside south of the Mersey (north Wirral) is covered by the Cheshire and Wirral Bird Report.
In my home county of Surrey the recording area for the Surrey Bird Club Surrey Bird Report is within the Watsonian Vice County of Surrey (VC17), some of the Vice County is now part of Greater London.
I know that some counties do not follow the Vice County boundaries and wonder why not.
The Watsonian Vice County system was set up to ensure the accurate comparison of historical and modern data. Whilst boundaries change, the Vice Counties remain the same.
Would it not be better if all recorders used the Watsonian system to ensure continuity and avoid confusion and duplication etc ?
What do others think and what do other counties do ? Do any chop and change along with boundary changes ?
How do counties come not to use the Watsonian system (assuming they all used it in the first place) ?
Do County Recorders ever have national meetings to discuss these and other matters to come to a general agreement ?
Johnny Allan
In my home county of Surrey the recording area for the Surrey Bird Club Surrey Bird Report is within the Watsonian Vice County of Surrey (VC17), some of the Vice County is now part of Greater London.
I know that some counties do not follow the Vice County boundaries and wonder why not.
The Watsonian Vice County system was set up to ensure the accurate comparison of historical and modern data. Whilst boundaries change, the Vice Counties remain the same.
Would it not be better if all recorders used the Watsonian system to ensure continuity and avoid confusion and duplication etc ?
What do others think and what do other counties do ? Do any chop and change along with boundary changes ?
How do counties come not to use the Watsonian system (assuming they all used it in the first place) ?
Do County Recorders ever have national meetings to discuss these and other matters to come to a general agreement ?
Johnny Allan
Although it does give some idea of which recording bodies use vice counties, this paper specifically avoids making any suggestion as to whether using vice counties would be best for bird recording (and seems to concentrate more on the potential problems of 'double recording').This is a pretty essential reference on the topic:
If county recorders work together then the fact that vice county boundaries are not marked on maps becomes less of an issue. As long as the county recorders themselves know where the borders are, they can transfer records between them as required (and surely space can be found in the annual bird reports, and on web sites, to print a map showing the recording areas - perhaps with larger scale maps of sections that no longer follow the modern boundaries?). In many cases deciding whether a bird is in one vice county or another would be no more difficult than deciding whether the bird has crossed a modern county boundary.St Paul’s (20 miles from) would be the one here.
Although I know the term vice county, I have no idea where the vice county lines are. I think this would be the major hurdle for implementation. You'd have to send every interested birder a detailed map... or do you draw those borders onto your OS maps yourselves? (I am not organised enough to start recording everything in NBN software which will tell me the Vice County, sorry).
The recent discussion was started when I reported the continuing presence of the Savi’s Warbler to both the Essexbirders and Londonbirders yahoo groups — only to find out that a Watsonian Birders Front member (hi Joan!) had forwarded my message to Hertsbirding.
Although I know the term vice county, I have no idea where the vice county lines are. I think this would be the major hurdle for implementation. You'd have to send every interested birder a detailed map... or do you draw those borders onto your OS maps yourselves? (I am not organised enough to start recording everything in NBN software which will tell me the Vice County, sorry).