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vireo help (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
I saw this bird at the Bosque Del Apache Wilderness in NW New Mexico 6 weeks ago. Merlin ID'ed it as a Gray Vireo. since it is listed as scarce I thought I would ask for confirmation. thank you_Q2A3531.jpg_Q2A3530.jpg
Not convinced it is. Difficult to be sure, but the bill looks wrong (can't see a hook, for example), and the primary projection too great. Do you have other photos?
Reminds me of Townsend's Solitaire, though the wing pattern seems faded (it's molting older, sun-bleached feathers, e.g. on tail, which might explain the absence of defined pattern on wing as well).
merlin said it could either be a grey vireo or a Townsends but I ruled out a Townsends due to the lack of a wing pattern but if faded then it might be. I would love more comments
My first thought was Townsend's solitaire - elongated elegant thrushy things. I don't find any aspect of this bird that says vireo - an example of AI keying into the wrong things and screwing up accordingly.

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