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Very busy at the bird feeder today! (9 Viewers)

I hate the drought we're in! Starlings are back in our yard today. House Sparrows are back, too, and they brought along some friends. Then at lunchtime a couple of Common Grackles joined the party. That all adds up to a lot of competition for our resident yard birds. Still, at least Grackles are native to our area.

We had a visitor in the kitchen this morning. Hubby was out so I had to call my friend, the birder, to get it out. I couldn't recognise the breed so when my friend said it was a willow warbler I was amazed. I have never seen one. Happily, he got it out safely and I have a new garden tick :t:
Forgot to mention last week I had three Juvie GSW's in the garden each one happily feeding on their own peanut feeder. Also a couple of weeks back I had the first Jay I've seen in the garden for quite some years now.

Further good news is the place has exploded with House Sparrows at the mo.

If you haven't seen it Steve this may be a thread of interest to you http://www.birdforum.net/showthread.php?t=169572 Warning though, it's a long one!
Hi All,

I have not posted for ages, having felt in limbo for the last six months while our house sale went through. We are now in Snitton, Shropshire in a rented farm house overlooking Ludlow from the west, half way up Clee Hill.

I put up my bird feeders yesterday and had customers within the hour and my favourite Goldfinch in two! There are loads of sparrows nesting in the eaves and have seen Blue and Great Tits as well as Buzzards circling overhead.

I will be getting out and about walking and birding and I am so pleased we are now out of London. I will keep you posted.
Hi All,

I have not posted for ages, having felt in limbo for the last six months while our house sale went through. We are now in Snitton, Shropshire in a rented farm house overlooking Ludlow from the west, half way up Clee Hill.

I put up my bird feeders yesterday and had customers within the hour and my favourite Goldfinch in two! There are loads of sparrows nesting in the eaves and have seen Blue and Great Tits as well as Buzzards circling overhead.

I will be getting out and about walking and birding and I am so pleased we are now out of London. I will keep you posted.

Hopefully you will be able to enjoy some countryside birds visiting you.

4 Bullfinch today and 2 Chiffchaff zipping around my daughters trampoline net. A good few Blue tits and Great tits in the trees despite my feeders being down at the moment. 2 Buzzards over today as well.
Second day of the new Snitton feeders and it was a bit of a feeding frenzy this morning.

Got up about 0700 and there were about 20 birds on the 4 feeders hanging from the pole. So far today, blue tit, great tit, coal tit, robin, house sparrows, great spotted woodpecker, 3 goldfinch, 3 greenfinch and, new for me, a bullfinch.

This is a great place to live.
Our yards have never been so busy as they are these days, presumably because of the drought.
A typical tally in an hour is:
2 Red-bellied Woodpeckers
20+ White-winged Doves
4 House Sparrows
1 European Starling
1 Common Grackle
4 Northern Mockingbirds
8 Northern Cardinals
4 Blue Jays
4 Carolina Chickadees
2 Carolina Wrens
12+ House Finches
3 American Robins.

Only our Downy Woodpeckers seem to be missing - probably because birds like the Doves are hooging our suet feeders.

Our yards have never been so busy as they are these days, presumably because of the drought.
A typical tally in an hour is:
2 Red-bellied Woodpeckers
20+ White-winged Doves
4 House Sparrows
1 European Starling
1 Common Grackle
4 Northern Mockingbirds
8 Northern Cardinals
4 Blue Jays
4 Carolina Chickadees
2 Carolina Wrens
12+ House Finches
3 American Robins.

Only our Downy Woodpeckers seem to be missing - probably because birds like the Doves are hooging our suet feeders.


Hi Jeff,
If you want to set a special table for the Downy, hang a suet block holder under a small canopy. The woodpeckers are very comfortable clinging to the underside of the suet holder,
as are the Chickadees, but none of your other guests will be.
Admittedly, Starlings will do anything for a suet snack, but they have a hard time hanging by their feet.
More baby goldfinches being fed today. We have 2 robins starting to get their clour and 1 baby all squabbling. They are comical. :t:
Hi Jeff,
If you want to set a special table for the Downy, hang a suet block holder under a small canopy. The woodpeckers are very comfortable clinging to the underside of the suet holder,
as are the Chickadees, but none of your other guests will be.
Admittedly, Starlings will do anything for a suet snack, but they have a hard time hanging by their feet.

I did this but it cut off the Mockingbirds from the suet, which they love. So I've been trying to adjust the distance between the suet and the canopy to where Mockingbirds can reach the food but White-winged Doves can't. I haven't gotten it quite right yet but I'll keep trying. If this fails, I guess I'll have to do what you suggest - and then put an extra block out for the Mockingbirds.
just a few pics of the last few weeks


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Some nice pics there Roger, not seen any Bullfinches for months.

Redpolls have returned after about a month of not seeing them.

Still having 1 or 2 youngsters about.

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