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Vagrant Emperors in Kent (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Any further news on these please, could this be part of large movement; I noticed a mention of a Vagrant Emperor influx in France on Surfbirds insect photos?
Vagrant Darter near Dungeness

Can anyone help with more detailed directions to Springfield Bridge please.

Tks in advance.

Not sure of location on site and not an easy place to get to and from, on a bank holiday Monday.

From the M25 take the M20 to Ashford.
Leave at junction 10, A2070.
Follow A2070 to A259 coast road
Turn left onto A259.
Between Old and New Romney turn right on B2075 to Lydd and left in village to Denge Marsh.
A couple of pics, they showed really well


Didn't they just!

For those of you going tomorrow, drive along Denge Marsh road until you can see the RSPB reserve over to the left. If you reach the non-tarmaced road, you've gone 300 yards too far.

Park by the metal gate on the left and walk down to the small bridge (overlooking Denge Marsh flood). Scan from the bridge initially as they patrol up and down along the dyke that the bridge goes over.

If you can't see them, head south on the eastern side of the dyke. Note that this is a public footpath but the RSPB would rather that people don't use it.

We had two males along the dyke south of the bridge (and 2+ Hairies). One left the dyke and headed across the flood towards the RSPB reserve. Shortly after that, we had a male from the bridge to the north of the bridge which was therefore probably a third individual but could have been the male returning from the flood. But note that one male was seen from Xmas dell hide at 11.30am on the RSPB reserve. So up to four present, definitely two.

Good to see you Mark and Simon and everyone else. Hope mine and James's 6 year old boys weren't too badly behaved. ;)

Great photos, by the way!



Edit: Just googled 'Dengemarsh road' and the first link was this:


The top photo is pretty much where you want to park. Note that the aspect in the photo is North.
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Evening All,

Had great views of them this morning seeing at least 2 with possibly a third. Also about 8 Hairy Hawker and 5 Blue-tailed Damsels. The only problem with today was some burk walking along the ditch which is private on the west side of Springfield Bridge right across the famers young crop. Idiot.

I overheard a few people talking about Dainty Damsels today, does anybody have any further info...pm me if necessary.

Pics now on my blog...

Evening All,

The only problem with today was some burk walking along the ditch which is private on the west side of Springfield Bridge right across the famers young crop. Idiot.

Walking all over the farmers young crop? You make it sound like I was holding a rave on it and I don't remember anyone point out to me at the time that the land was private.
Were you just waiting to slag someone off on the internet when you didn't say anything to their face?
I probably took about 20 paces over the plowed area and the rest on the grass next to the bank. I think the crop will survive.
Having now updated BDS in my 'favourites' I now realise I'm a couple of weeks behind the news as the website has been completely changed and I wasn't automatically redirected! Should have read the news letter I guess. Any updates of the Dungeness individuals would be welcome this week still please as Friday will be my only chance for a visit. Will be keeping a close eye locally on the off chance though.
One showed pretty well for a while early this afternoon. We'd left the site, to check other areas, but luckily I got a call and we got back in time, not everyone was so lucky. It was pretty mobile and I don't think anyone saw it settled. Personally I wish I'd given up on getting photos and just concentrated on watching it. We left the site mid-afternoon, so I don't know if it was seen later.

One male vagrant showed briefly again in the ditch just at the kink in the footpath. Sometime around 3:30 I guess. My view wasn't good because the animal was badly backlit, but three others had excellent, if not lengthy, views. Animal disappeared over the ploughed field. Think it may even have pitched somewhere inside the field out of view. Could have done with a rave on that young crop to put it back up again as it didn't show again at least not before we left at 5:30.

One observer suggested the vagrants are getting a beating from the territorial hairies in the ditch, and are spending a fair chunk of the time further afield and/or pitched up out of sight.

9 hours in the car for 5 seconds of poor view. Ho hum!

Hope they remain present for a while yet. & maybe some more local ones as well :)
Thanks for the info peeps, and good luck MtB..
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