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Urgent help needed baby birds found in bin (1 Viewer)

Yes, I can understand that, it does appear odd on the face of it.

However, they do give advice on the Contact Us page: RSPB Contact Details - Contact The RSPB

...... so perhaps you were looking in a different area of their website.
Probably i was just looking up help with baby birds and came across the page that said don't contact them so i should of looked further i do tend to react first think after πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ˜ so I'm sorry for saying that the RSPB aren't helpful obviously they are! And the information is helpful hopefully my sister is able to help before too late and hopefully by now the parent birds have come back 🀞 thankyou for your help!
Honestly i have all this to come in a couple of weeks we start later up here for some reason? Well actually it doesn't really kick off here til they are out of their nests then its really fun!! Had a garden full of starling babies last year for several days they took over followed by just about every garden/song bird baby there is! Manic couple of weeks but i am more prepared this year! (Hopefully)
I get swamped with fledgling Starlings too. They seem to have about 3 broods as well!

I'm in the middle of Scotland and Spring is about 3 weeks behind the south of England
I get swamped with fledgling Starlings too. They seem to have about 3 broods as well!

I'm in the middle of Scotland and Spring is about 3 weeks behind the south of England
They definitely cause some chaos so funny to watch and so noisy?! 😁 I had never seen a fledgling bird before in my life so to wake up to so many was a shock! But the woodpeckers, great tits, and robins etc even pheasants with their broods it was all so great to see! Was my first spring living here in the north of England and this will probably be my last in this specific location so need to get as much on camera as possible to keep! As where i move to i doubt will be quite the same! So yes will be making the most of it ☺️ and i think according to my couple of video's i managed to get last year its about 3 or 4 weeks from now it should start 🀞
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