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Tunisia (Land of the Plastic Bag) (2 Viewers)

My first trip to Africa and details of birds etc here


I was shocked at the state of the country, the rubbish especially and the pressure on the land. Some good birds however!


I would think you may enjoy Morocco more.
The scenery especially around the Atlas,Ouarzazate and Essouaria is wonderful.Magnificent unspoilt habitats minus the plastic bags.
I spent 3 recent Easter holidays at Taroundant,Ouarzazate and Essouaria respectively.
Essouaria was probably the best area in terms of variety as it is on the coast so there was a lot of migration going on but they were all good.
Will never forget the birdwatching for the rest of my life.
Driving around is easy.
There are some places where the number and variety of birds is overwhelming.
Some of the hotels we stayed in were magnificent.
Give it a try.You won't regret it!
I thought that many parts of Morocco although excellent birding, could also be described as the land of the plastic bag. There were many occassions where my eye caught what might be a raptor only to prove to be a black bin liner heading on the wind into the Sahara. Sad that even our wilderness is blighted with our rubbish.

Hi Pratincol/Robin
The trip to Tunisia was purely down to the price we got flights accomodation, our other options Eqypt and Morocco were considerably dearer.
I have heard Morocco is bad as well regarding Rubbish / plastic etc and i believe the problems are even worse south of the Sahara
I wish someone would take the Worlds economic and political leaders round these countrys to they see what damage plastic is doing to the world.
Travel as much as you can now because it will only get worse!

Hi Pratincol/Robin
The trip to Tunisia was purely down to the price we got flights accomodation, our other options Eqypt and Morocco were considerably dearer.
I have heard Morocco is bad as well regarding Rubbish / plastic etc and i believe the problems are even worse south of the Sahara
I wish someone would take the Worlds economic and political leaders round these countrys to they see what damage plastic is doing to the world.
Travel as much as you can now because it will only get worse!


Travelled extensivly around Morocco and my abiding memory was the birds and scenery.
Plastic bags?Can't really remember seeing any.Must have gone to the wrong places.
i believe the problems are even worse south of the Sahara
I wish someone would take the Worlds economic and political leaders round these countrys to they see what damage plastic is doing to the world.

You're correct. I remember walking down streets in Mali which were just awash with discarded plastic bags. But it's a bit unfair to suggest that the World's leaders should be expected to do something about it. It's the local people in Mali who throw plastic bags away. They couldn't give a damn, frankly. Maybe the Malian authorities could do something, but they couldn't give a damn either really, they don't live in these streets.
its the same in eygpt ,go into the desert outside of sharm el sheik and its multi coloured plastic bags all along the roadsides
I was reminded of this thread whilst driving between Wolverhampton and Birmingham on the A41 on Sunday. There seemed to be detritus in every bush and tree along some parts of the route. I don't recall being so appalled in either Morocco or Tunisia.
I was reminded of this thread whilst driving between Wolverhampton and Birmingham on the A41 on Sunday. There seemed to be detritus in every bush and tree along some parts of the route. I don't recall being so appalled in either Morocco or Tunisia.

Two people go to Morrocco looking for great birds and beautiful scenery.The optomist remembers only the briilliant birding and magnificent landscapes.
The pesemist only remembers the plastic bags.
Strange but I thought that Sharm was full of British holiday makers.Wonder were all the plastic bags came from?
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