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Tour to Venezuela (situation update) (1 Viewer)

Jose Ramon

Well-known member
Hi everybody.

We are a group of birders who are planning a tour to Los Llanos in Venezuela next year.

Please, could anybody answer a few questions:

Regarding the place to stay in Los Llanos, we have heard about Hato Piñero and Hato Cedral. Could you please recommend any of them?

In addition to Los Llanos we could have time to visit an additional area that could be Los Andes, Henry Pittier, .... Any recomendation?

Regarding security issues, mainly due to the fact that Venezuela is on the news almost everyday, could anybody give un update of the security situation in Venezuela from the point of view of a group of birders visiting these areas? (Probably we will take a local guide, we will not bird on our own).

Thanks in advance,
Venezuela birding

I have just returned from Venezuela. Think Hato Pintero is closed but not definite. Stayed Hato Cedral. thousands of birds but three days is more than enough as all species can be seen in that time.

Henry Pittier is a bit of a waste of time unless you can get permission to enter the research station as it is next to impossible to bird from the roadside due to heavy traffic.

Security was not an issue as reputable companies will keep you away from the protests.

Don't stay in Caracas. There is a nice hotel called Costal Real Suites about 25 minutes east of Caracas away from any potential problems.

Let me know which company you are booking through and I will give you some additional comment.
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