Well-known member

Not ridiculous at all. It’s a worthwhile hobby in itself."upgrade itch" - what a great, evocative, accurate phrase.
I am wanting really good 10x50s in the 1k-1.5k range. I am for focused on reading about all the possibilities, reviews, comparisons, opinions, counter-opinions MORE than I am focused on...birdwatching! It's ridiculous but it is fun.
MHG, very good glass. But your experience between the 8x and 10x MHG can be similar with a wide range of brands and optical levels. With some binoculars it’s less noticeable than with Nikons.Maybe this does not help you much because I cannot make comparisons with the other brands you mention, Akhil O, but I purchased my 8x42 Monarch HGs less than two years ago and at the time I compared them in-store to 10x42 HGs. I wanted the 10x42s to be better but to me they were not better. The 10x42s were mostly just darker. The greater magnification was not at all balanced by the loss of light.
It’s my opinion that once you get to the upper mid grade level optics the difference to the top doesn’t always immediately pop out at you, especially if it’s indoors or outside on a sunny day when you tried them. It’s something that takes a little time for the quality to come out under different conditions, and only then can the quality that one pays a premium for , shows itself and can be appreciated.That said, I LOVE my 8x42 HGs. I did recently get to try out Ultravid 10x50s and 10x42s and, once again, I was not blown away by the difference between my 8x42 HGs and the Ultravids.
Car analogies can be used here. A Kia is a nice well built reliable car, get into the equivalent size model BMW or Audi, and although you can see and feel a little difference you don’t really notice the improvement in quality and performance until you live with it a while. Whether it’s worth twice or three times the price is a whole other topic. But you pay for what you get.
That sounds more like a maturely issue 😝.A long time ago an acquaintance with a lot of resources said if a person is truly committed to something, they will only get the best tools (camera equipment in that case) to pursue that thing; settling for less-optimal tools meant the person was less committed to the craft. This acquaintance had literally zero experience with or comprehension of living life with limited resources.