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Time for a new lens - EF500 IS or the 600 monster (1 Viewer)

Chris Galvin

Well-known member
After almost three years with my faithful Sigma 500 f4.5 EX APO HSM it is now to time to upgrade to Canon. I am still not sure whether to buy the 500mm or to take the plunge and invest in its bigger brother. I've looked at the spec of both of them and still not sure which one to to order.

So are there any users out there of the 600mm who have used the 500mm and have now got the bigger lens?

Any info greatly received

Chris Galvin said:
After almost three years with my faithful Sigma 500 f4.5 EX APO HSM it is now to time to upgrade to Canon. I am still not sure whether to buy the 500mm or to take the plunge and invest in its bigger brother. I've looked at the spec of both of them and still not sure which one to to order.

So are there any users out there of the 600mm who have used the 500mm and have now got the bigger lens?

Any info greatly received

I went from the 500/4.5 to a 600/4, didn't regret it at all... it is a big leap, it's a big lump!! I've never had much of a problem with the weight, more that the size makes life awkward in one man hides and shooting from the car. At least with a 600 you're not going to die wondering about getting a longer lens, you've got it.

I agree with Andy.
If you're into bird photography then you already know that you rarely, if ever, have a lens that is too long.

The 600mm does need to be used on a sturdy tripod (I use a Gitzo 1548 with Manfrotto fluid head) as it's too heavy for handheld shots for more than about a minute. If you are happy with that shooting style then go for the 600mm.
As Andy says, you'll never need to worry about upgrading again because you'll already have the ultimate lens.

Go on, you know you want to.

Lol, it was only a matter of time ;) it seems to happen on every 600/4 thread on the web... now for the link to 1200/5.6, and then the Zeiss 1700/4 (no please don't)
Andy Bright said:
Lol, it was only a matter of time ;) it seems to happen on every 600/4 thread on the web... now for the link to 1200/5.6, and then the Zeiss 1200/4 (no please don't)
Sorry Andy............couldn't resist, I promise I won't post the others!!;)


Don't worry Denis, I'm sure I've done the same in the past... probably with the Nikon 1200-1700mm f5.6-f8

DenisG said:
Sorry Andy............couldn't resist, I promise I won't post the others!!;)


Hi Chris,

I had the same decison to make last year and came down on the side of the 500mm. The deciding factor was hand held operation.

The opinions of those that had used both lenses was that the 500mm could just about be used hand held where as the 600mm was labelled tripod only. If you are only ever going to use a tripod then I'd choose the 600mm. If you are going to carry it around hand held, I'd choose the 500mm.

As we don't live far apart, I am more than happy to meet up somewhere local and you can try the 500mm "in the field" for size and handling, if that helps in your decision making process. Let me know.

i went for the 500f4isL as it can be hand held i can hold it and a 1dmk2 to my eye for 55sec i timed it. then i get the wobels as the weight is just too much.
deshojo can your really hold the 600mm up to your eye for 1 minute ?
DenisG said:
Welllllllll.............if you had a large truck...................|8.| ;) |=)|



No good to me mate, it doesn't have IS. :-O

GYRob said:
i went for the 500f4isL as it can be hand held i can hold it and a 1dmk2 to my eye for 55sec i timed it. then i get the wobels as the weight is just too much.
deshojo can your really hold the 600mm up to your eye for 1 minute ?

Since you asked I just timed myself, and managed 1 minute 30 seconds before the bicep starting feeling it and it became unsteady.
Maybe 10 years of surfing has helped my upper body strength, though I'm not sure I could go that long after carrying the beast around the Cornish cliffs for a couple of hours!

deshojo said:
No good to me mate, it doesn't have IS. :-O

Since you asked I just timed myself, and managed 1 minute 30 seconds before the bicep starting feeling it and it became unsteady.
Maybe 10 years of surfing has helped my upper body strength, though I'm not sure I could go that long after carrying the beast around the Cornish cliffs for a couple of hours!

very inpresive to be able to do that :clap:
deshojo said:
Since you asked I just timed myself, and managed 1 minute 30 seconds before the bicep starting feeling it and it became unsteady.
Maybe 10 years of surfing has helped my upper body strength, though I'm not sure I could go that long after carrying the beast around the Cornish cliffs for a couple of hours!


Your not that chap who used to have a T.V. series are you, you know the one, he used to turn green and burst out of his shirt whenever he hot a bit angry?

Personally I'd be tempted to get the 600 - how often do you want less reach? That said I'm sure you'd be very please with either of them. I see that misfuds have both of these lenses in secondhand at the moment.
500 or 600 - weight is not a big problem - if you attach the lens to a monopod and then invest in a 'belay/rappel device' (approx £10-15 from any good climbing/mountaineering shop) which you thread through a sturdy belt, the monopod will sit in the cup, thus taking much of the weight off your arms. This still leaves you with lots of movement to follow your subject.
I would go for the 500 - after a couple of hours hiking with the 500 my back starts to complain - not sure it could take any more weight! If you mainly shoot from hides/cars, have your own Sherpa (or co-operative wife), get the 600. :)
Just thought I'd bring this thread back to life to ask the same question...

I'm toying with getting one of the big Canons and was just about set on the 500 f4, but then started wondering about the huge 600 f4 (a secondhand one would be similar price to the 500). I do most of my birding with two little kids in tow so wonder if the extra weight of the 600 would be an irritation. I also like to carry my camera on the tripod over my shoulder so I'm always ready, is this a problem with the 600? I know I'll be fine with the weight and size of the 500 (it's not much bigger than my Sigma), is the 600 noticably bigger and heavier in real life?

I'll probably end up going round in circles and keeping my Sigma 500 f4.5 instead... any advice would be good!
You greedy greedy People lol ... And here's Me saving for a 100-400 L IS,
Or anything that improve's on my 170-500 ... And don't say that would'nt be
too difficult either lol ...
Good luck with the Buy ... 600mm would be for Me
too ... The Weight can only make you Stronger right? ... ;)
Take care,
Just thought I'd bring this thread back to life to ask the same question...

I'm toying with getting one of the big Canons and was just about set on the 500 f4, but then started wondering about the huge 600 f4 (a secondhand one would be similar price to the 500). I do most of my birding with two little kids in tow so wonder if the extra weight of the 600 would be an irritation. I also like to carry my camera on the tripod over my shoulder so I'm always ready, is this a problem with the 600? I know I'll be fine with the weight and size of the 500 (it's not much bigger than my Sigma), is the 600 noticably bigger and heavier in real life?

I'll probably end up going round in circles and keeping my Sigma 500 f4.5 instead... any advice would be good!

JUST STRAP some lead on the sigma to make up the weight and try it the way you carry it now that way you will know for sure:t:
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