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Three Weeks in Australia - Sydney and Cairns (2 Viewers)

I can't download the IOC list as I have a Mac.:-C

I am not sure why that is a problem? I have in the past opened microsoft excel files on a mac (of course you have to have a spreadsheet program installed, but isn't MS office still available for the mac?).

Edit: you should be able to download and install Openoffice for mac which can open ms excel files if you have no other program that will open it.

I am not sure why that is a problem? I have in the past opened microsoft excel files on a mac (of course you have to have a spreadsheet program installed, but isn't MS office still available for the mac?).

Edit: you should be able to download and install Openoffice for mac which can open ms excel files if you have no other program that will open it.

Shows you how much I know about 'puters. I assumed Macs and PCs were incompatible!
At which point I'd better come out of the closet and I confess that I don't have a copy of Clements! The only checklist I have is by a chap called Gruson and was published in 1976. Does this mean I'm not a 'real' birder? Seriously, as I'm thinking of tallying up my world list, is there a downloadable checklist I can use?

Hmmmm, so this has become a computer tec website????

Seriously John, i keep mine online at www.bubo.org, I find it the easiest way and I accept the Clements list on there as the final arbiter.

Whenever an update occurs they highlight any potential splits or lumps on your personal list for review, much simpler than trying to stay up to date!!!

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