Sillem Mountain Finch
Dear Oriental Birders,
I went back to last year's Sillem Mountain Finch sighting location a few weeks ago and could see a few more birds and get some better pictures. I posted a blog entry about the trip on :
In short, it was a hard trip (again) and had only 2 sightings (1 male, 3 + 1 females) despite dedicating my time there to searching for the bird.
Looking for Sillem's Mountain Finch in a more accessible location near the Kunlun pass also proved unsuccessful.
Once i have time to read thought my notes thoroughly i will publish a more detailed blog entry focusing on Sillem's.
Good birding to all
Yann Muzika
TiF places it in Carpodacus:Is Leucosticte the correct genus for this bird?
John Boyd (TiF): [23 Oct 2012]
It'll be interesting to see its treatment in H&M4 Vol 2, given that Kees Roselaar is one of the Regional Consultants.I've moved Sillem's Mountain-Finch, rediscovered in June 2012, from Leucosticte (Pyrrhulini) to Carpodacus based on a photo of what is believed to be the female. When Roselaar (1992) named Sillem's Rosefinch, he put it in Leucosticte. At the time, the female plumage was unknown. The other Leucosticte have female plumages that are only slightly different from the male, usually just duller. As Roselaar pointed out, if it has a distinctive female plumage, it would more likely related to Kozlowia (now part of Carpodacus) than to Leucosticte. Yann Muzika's photo of the probable female Sillem's shows a bird that is quite different from the adult male.
Muzika 2014. Sillem's Mountain Finch Leucosticte sillemi revisited. BirdingASIA 21: 28–33.On OrientalBirding yesterday...
I went back to last year's Sillem Mountain Finch sighting location a few weeks ago and could see a few more birds and get some better pictures. I posted a blog entry about the trip on :
Yann Muzika
Now that the continuing existence of Sillem's Mountain Finch has been proven, and as the female appears to resemble a Carpodacus rosefinch, the taxonomic status of sillemi should be reconsidered, with inclusion within Carpodacus a distinct possibility.
No publication or link but in case others were not aware, this bird (7 at least) was seen by Mark Beaman's Birdquest group recently. I don't know the exact spot but it surely must be within walking distance of the Golmud -Lhasa highway. It has long been speculated that they should be there but I'm not sure anyone had really looked before!
cheers, alan
If you have information fom Mark, then that supercedes my speculation.
Good luck,
Just catching up, H&M4 2 (2014) retained sillemi in Leucosticte.TiF places it in Carpodacus: ...
It'll be interesting to see its treatment in H&M4 Vol 2, given that Kees Roselaar is one of the Regional Consultants.
Kozlowia was widely recognised for Roborovski's/Tibetan Rosefinch until recently, but was found to be embedded in Carpodacus by Zuccon et al 2012 and Tietze et al 2013.What happened to the idea to create the genus Kozlowia? (in particular as Sillem's mountain finch might be a sister taxon of the Tibetan rosefinch)?
On Friday, I'm flying to Golmud to search for Sillem's Mountain Finch.
We plan to move the Sillem's ball forward in two ways: (1) Devote up to 15 days to Sillem's (most anyone has ever devoted), with the goal of finding the species at new sites and (2) acquire photo-field-guide-ready images of the species.
Accepted article published online today...
Sangster et al (in press). [pdf]
All we need now is for a European taxonomic sub-committee to adopt this change.cheers, a