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Self-Constructed, DIY, Homemade. Camo Hides? (1 Viewer)


Jack of a few trades Master of notta!
Opus Editor
United States
Contemplating some type of "hide", camo or otherwise, near the feeders at my home. There is a good amount of activity there, and I can watch them from my kitchen window. Still, it's not conducive for taking pictures because it has to go through window screens which throws off the focus, plus a tripod is not a welcome thing sitting in the middle of the kitchen and in front of the sink.

Suggestions you have done or seen are welcomed and wanted. Pictures are even better. Thank you for your time and effort.

I would have thought anythng that would break up the obvious shape of the human form would work -the main consideration will be comfort - can you sit/stand in it for a long period? Unless you can screen your approach, you'll need to wait in it for a fair length of time before birds reapproach. Would a small garden shed with a hole cut for a lens be a possibility? It might allow a tripod and stool.
I would have thought anythng that would break up the obvious shape of the human form would work -the main consideration will be comfort - can you sit/stand in it for a long period? Unless you can screen your approach, you'll need to wait in it for a fair length of time before birds reapproach. Would a small garden shed with a hole cut for a lens be a possibility? It might allow a tripod and stool.
I have a small deck just outside the rear door of my residence. This deck is 10-12 feet from our feeders. I've thought about a small collapsible camo hide of a type similar to what's used for hunting. Small enough to afford room for a chair/stool and not take up a large amount of space. I have ideas but am open to that "better idea" that inevitably shows up after the fact.
i have just bought a knighthawk chair hide goes up and down in seconds £70 from amazon, a cheaper option is a popup toilet tent although you wouldjave to cut an opening for the camera
i have just bought a knighthawk chair hide goes up and down in seconds £70 from amazon, a cheaper option is a popup toilet tent although you wouldjave to cut an opening for the camera
Would it be possible for you to add a link to what you bought? I've checked Amazon for that, but don't find it. Then again the word "hide" is not used here in that context.

Would it be possible for you to add a link to what you bought? I've checked Amazon for that, but don't find it. Then again the word "hide" is not used here in that context.

Chair blind is the term used in the West. Ameristep and a few other brands offer those for ~$100. Local hunting / hardware stores may also carry them (e.g., cabelas). Problem, as already pointed out, is getting in and out without getting the birds suspcious.
With a deck in place I would think about turning part of it into some cover (making the rail not see through).
In a backyard setting even sitting still in the same sport over some time on a regular basis will likely get the birds habituated to your presence so no camo maybe required.....
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