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Scridifer's Bulgarian List (6 Viewers)

25/05/23 Sidirokastro, Northern Greece

264) Masked Shrike

25/05/23 Petritsi, Northern Greece

265) Levant Sparrowhawk

26/05/23 Sidirokastro, Northern Greece

266) Western Rock Nuthatch
267) Blue Rock Thrush

26/05/23 Lake Kerkini, Northern Greece

268) Scops Owl

27/05/23 Lake Kerkini, Northern Greece

269) Cattle Egret

27/05/23 Kresna Gorge

270) Griffon Vulture
Chris how common would you say Icterine Warbler is, I know bulgaria and romania presumably aren't exactly the same but I'm trying to gen up on some possible lifers away from the obvious unmistakeable pelicans and so on.
Chris how common would you say Icterine Warbler is, I know bulgaria and romania presumably aren't exactly the same but I'm trying to gen up on some possible lifers away from the obvious unmistakeable pelicans and so on.
In Bulgaria certainly not uncommon on the coast and along the Danube.

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