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RSPB Saltholme (1 Viewer)

I apologize, there bird I seen was definitely a tern, about the same size as a common, but with long tail streamers, and a bouncy, fluid flight style. so to be honest I cannot really add that to my list, has I am not 100%......Thanks Damian :)
Had my first visit down here for many years, not sure what to expect, but was pleasantly surprised, the site was quite as are many at the moment, but wandering around discovering new areas, gradually discovering bits and pieces, i warmed to the place.

Big plus with the local guys acting as guides / wardens. Friendly informative and welcoming, wished a few up my way could take a few lessons.

So a few year sightings included Gaganey, Little Egret, Four Spotted Chaser, Hare, Fox, Common, Blue Tailed damselfly. Defo a return will be on the cards.
I think i may pay a visit to Saltholme tomorrow.I have some days off and may well just go and sit in the hide for some of it.I did visit last week and found it nice and quiet.if anyone wold like to suggest prefered places to watch from though I am open to your views.Last week I just sat in the hide for half hour but I would like to take the time to see a little more of the site.
I think i may pay a visit to Saltholme tomorrow.I have some days off and may well just go and sit in the hide for some of it.I did visit last week and found it nice and quiet.if anyone wold like to suggest prefered places to watch from though I am open to your views.Last week I just sat in the hide for half hour but I would like to take the time to see a little more of the site.

The Phil Stead Hide inthe car park has been pretty good for birds the last few days with a Pectoral Sandpiper, Black-tailed Godwits and Snipe. The heavy rain though has filled it up and theres no mud now for waders. Today there was next to nothing! Its a shame the sluice hasnt been opened to drain it a little.

Saltholme Hide was the best spot today with Ruff, Black-tailed Godwit and Dunlin close to the hide. Theres a Scaup and a few Knot as well.

Check out TBC sightings page to see whats in the area. Greatham Creek area is pretty good at present.
Spent about 4 hours there today
Not a clue what I am looking at but I still enjoy sitting there taking some photos .
I keep quiet as possible and have beeps turned off .
I quite enjoyed listening to the chat amongst the proper birders in the pool hide,and how much they know about the birds.
I have even joined as a paid member of rspb now
Spent about 4 hours there today
Not a clue what I am looking at but I still enjoy sitting there taking some photos .
I keep quiet as possible and have beeps turned off .
I quite enjoyed listening to the chat amongst the proper birders in the pool hide,and how much they know about the birds.
I have even joined as a paid member of rspb now

Glad to hear you made it there :t:

I only got as far as the car park hide yesterday morning. It was pretty quiet with just a couple of Dunlins and a few Snipe though it was nice to see the juvenile Great Crested Grebe and a Little Grebe back again.

The volunteer 'hide guides' are very good at spotting what's around and letting visitors use the scopes for a better view.
Ian is the Greater Scaup still showing as i need it for my lists, would be a lifer for me aswell.

Thanks Damian.

It was still there Wednesday afternoon but I've not been back down there since. It was to the right of the tern island on Back Saltholme. The day previous it was feeding in front of the island. I'll be back there either tomorrow or Saturday so I'll have a look for it again.
Yep! The Scaup was still present today. Around 8.30 it was on the east pond viewd from the road.

When I walked down to Saltholme Hide at 11.00am it was on Back Saltholme in amongst the Tufted Ducks to the left of the tern island mostly asleep. When I left it was still drifting with the raft of ducks but was closer to see from where the screen used to be on the corner as you approach the hide.
Thanks for that Ian.
I am going to Saltholme in the morning, i also missed the Ruff last week so i will be keeping my eyes open for that as well, that will be another 1 for my county.
In all seasons Saltholme has a lot to offer, i just have not been enough the past few months has i have been busy recording.
I am looking forward to the arrival of our winter visitors already, i wonder if we are going to have another Waxwing invasion, 1 of my all time favourite birds and not forgetting the LEO both these birds were also lifers for me last year although i could not for the life of me get the GW Teal, it eluded me all winter. :(
Thanks Damian.
Just a quickie .
I have joined the rspb now so if I visit its free entry .but do i still have to pay parking ?
so I know whether I need to go tyo get money .I never carry cash on me these days .I dont want to get caught out .
Now I always thought there was a parking fee of £3 and entry was free ? surely an entry fee per car is the same as a parking fee , I went on the bus a couple of times and paid nothing
Now I always thought there was a parking fee of £3 and entry was free ? surely an entry fee per car is the same as a parking fee , I went on the bus a couple of times and paid nothing

When the reserve opened that's the way things were.

Now the car parking is free and it's a charge for non-members.

Pedestrians and cyclists used to be free, but I don't know whether that's still the case.
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