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RFI - Brisbane (& beyond) (3 Viewers)

Richard G

Well-known member
Hopefully my wife & I will be visiting Brisbane (initially) at Christmas 2023/New Year 2024 whilst our kids are studying there for a year. The plan is to spend 6 weeks over there.

We have a fairly loose plan just now, with stays in Brisbane mainly, but potential excursions to GBR & a few days in Sydney before flying home. At the moment we haven't planned any areas to stay in (other than with family over Christmas). I have also found details of the O'Reillys resort where I'd like to spend a few days.

I realise this might be difficult with having such a loose plan but I'm looking for recommendations for areas to stay, guides, tours etc which would help me see as much Australian wildlife as I can over 6 weeks, whilst still keeping the missus happy :)

Thanks in advance,

Hi Richard.... you'll have a right grand time there; it'll be late Spring/early Summer so you'll have the extra challenges of identifying youngsters LOL.

You could have a look at the early pages of my trip report linked to below, I stayed in Brisbane for the first 12 days, then moved into the outback near Yarraman, from where we visited many other places such as Bowra, Gold Coast and O'Reilly's'.

I didn't get to Sydney (did Adelaide and Perth instead), but we have a member reporting regularly from there: Exploring Sydney - and further afield.

Enjoy the research, nearly as much fun as actually being there LOL
We now have a plan :)

Arrive on 17th December & staying with family in Brisbane until 2nd Jan. We then have time to start travelling around a bit, so pointers for the areas we're staying in would be appreciated -

17/12 to 02/01 - Brisbane
02/01 to 04/01 - O'Reillys
05/01 to 06/01 - Gold Coast
07/01 to 14/01 - Airlie Beach
14/01 to 20/01 - Cairns
20/01 to 23/01 - Sydney
24/01 to 25/01 - Back to Brisbane
26/01 - Return to UK

We do have a few guided trips in mind, but any advice gratefully received. Looking at Brisbane we may have to find our own wildlife as I can't seem to find anything organised. This isn't going to be a birding exclusive trip but I want to try & see as much Australian wildlife as possible while we're out there.


Hi Richard, you don't say what part of Brisbane you be staying in, Sandy Camp Road Wetlands: Way: ‪Sandy Camp Road Wetlands Reserve‬ (‪353628007‬) | OpenStreetMap a variety of birds there, as you'll see from the trip report linked to in my signature

and Wellington Point Relation: ‪Wellington Point‬ (‪11677902‬) | OpenStreetMap (go right to the end of the road), the island is only accessible at low tide. Great for coastal birds

I can't recommend them highly enough. End of January is high summer though, so birds can be harder to find.
Hi Richard, you don't say what part of Brisbane you be staying in, Sandy Camp Road Wetlands: Way: ‪Sandy Camp Road Wetlands Reserve‬ (‪353628007‬) | OpenStreetMap a variety of birds there, as you'll see from the trip report linked to in my signature

and Wellington Point Relation: ‪Wellington Point‬ (‪11677902‬) | OpenStreetMap (go right to the end of the road), the island is only accessible at low tide. Great for coastal birds

I can't recommend them highly enough. End of January is high summer though, so birds can be harder to find.
Hi Delia,

We'll be in Dakabin, but will have a car so should be able to get around.
The trip is getting closer now and we're starting to firm up plans for trips out with various guides.

The one part of the trip I'm having problems with is the week in Airlie Beach for proper wildlife orientated trips - I've found a crocodile safari day trip, but everything else that comes up is all geared towards going out to the GBR.

Any other ideas or even suggestions for places to go do our own thing? We have a car when there, so transport isn't an issue.
Hi Richard, if you decide that you need a guide whilst in the Brisbane area, I can help you, have been a birding resident here for 35+ years. On Saturday I found 109 species for a couple of birders from Victoria for the day around my residential area of Dayboro (....not far from Dakabin) Have a look at this eBird Trip Report.
When you are on the Atherton Tablelands Platypus are very easy to find without a guide but other species are not. Depending on your budget look at guides for nocturnal species or specialist birds such as the Golden Bowerbird rather than Platypus, very happy to give detailed directions to two very easy Platypus sites that you do not need a guide for, one free and very easy next to Yungabarra and the other a commercial location but absolutely certain to see them - the ungabarra site has potential for Lumholtz Tree Kangaroo and Green Ringtail Possum
Hi Richard, if you decide that you need a guide whilst in the Brisbane area, I can help you, have been a birding resident here for 35+ years. On Saturday I found 109 species for a couple of birders from Victoria for the day around my residential area of Dayboro (....not far from Dakabin) Have a look at this eBird Trip Report.
HI Tom,

Thanks for the reply - I'll bear it mind, but our time in Brisbane is sorted I think. Trip report will prove very useful though.
When you are on the Atherton Tablelands Platypus are very easy to find without a guide but other species are not. Depending on your budget look at guides for nocturnal species or specialist birds such as the Golden Bowerbird rather than Platypus, very happy to give detailed directions to two very easy Platypus sites that you do not need a guide for, one free and very easy next to Yungabarra and the other a commercial location but absolutely certain to see them - the ungabarra site has potential for Lumholtz Tree Kangaroo and Green Ringtail Possum
Yes please for directions :) that would be greatly appreciated.
The commercial site is at Tarzali Lakes - think now called Australian Platypus Park (912 Millaa Millaa - Malanda Rd, Minbun QLD 4886). You do have to pay but if you are relatively short of time and want to see platypus you wont miss here. Have taken family visiting from the UK here in the past and saw 8-10 with no effort at all.
My personal favourite though is Petersen Creek in Yungaburra. On the Atherton side of Yungaburra there is a signed Platypus watch point that can be productive try to visit towards dusk is better as they are more active then, there is an active burrow very close to the viewing area (well active as of Oct 2023). It is worth going on the path under the bridge and then looking along the gaps between the concrete sections as there are Australian Fishing Bats roosting there - when I saw them they were towards the middle of the bridge, the river of course also has platyus in and have seen them well there too. If you walk along he road verge from the platypus viewing area to roughly the second gap in the hedge and look in the trees across the field there are often Tree-Roos that hang around there but they are far more hit and miss.
Best place by far though is to go to the Peterson Creek Wildlife walk. Turn left in front of Yungaburra Hotel and Pub on to Cedar Street. At the end of Cedar Street turn left on to Penda Street, park where sensible. At the end of Penda Street there is a path that leads down some steps through some rainforest. The path then forks left and right. Th left fork takes you to a metal suspension bridge. Platypus are often seen below the bridge. You used to be able to walk across the bridge and turn left along the creek side but there is an on going dispute with the brother of the landowner and currently you are not able to. The better location is to turn right and follow the path right down to the creek banks and slowly walk roughly 250m till you find a bench area. All this stretch can be fantastic for Platypus - I have seen up to six at a time and they can be too close to focus a camera lens (my wife took some frame filling video with her iPhone last time we were there). The trees on both sides of the river can have Tree Roos in them and Green Ringtail Possum are often seen during the day asleep.
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