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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

Review: ZEN Prime HD (1 Viewer)

I'd think a snug hinge would be the least of problems. I cannot imagine the basic mechanical function to do anything save loosen w/time.

I'm certain after a short break-in period that the hinge will adapt to a more fluid movement.

These specks I hear about are probably limited to a few samples within a run which brings me back to wondering about the new /improved ER on the 10X.
It's been two weeks with the Primes now and I'm still smiling a lot when I look through these bins. Little unexpected wows that impress the heck out of me. These bins glass way above their price point.

A couple of notes from using them in the field. They definitely will benefit from the winged eye cups that SteveC reviewed sometime back. I plan on getting some. With such big oculars and the sun at your back I do notice a small reflection. No veiling glare at all though. In fact I have yet to see any glare, just the small dot of reflection from backlighting. In bright sunshine these bins are at their best. They never fail to impress. The colors and contrast are near perfect for me, dare I even say that. For 10x, I really like the way they look in the trees also. They seem to have a nice 3d quality for me and a decent depth of field. The focuser is a very strong point. Very smooth and precise. Which makes it easy to gain super sharp focus. I am constantly impressed with the sharpness of this bin. Now in low light it doesn't fair as well. I'm sure the 10x configuration adds to this and it also doesn't help that the bin I'm using them with is the Zeiss 7x42 FL. By the way these make a kill combo. Zeiss on a harness on my chest and the Primes slung over my shoulder for looks at birds on the tree tops. Anyway just wanted to write down some thoughts on my experience so far. Hopefully by the weekend we'll get to hear a lot more about the ins and outs of the Prime and how they get along with others.

It's been two weeks with the Primes now and I'm still smiling a lot when I look through these bins. Little unexpected wows that impress the heck out of me. These bins glass way above their price point.

A couple of notes from using them in the field. They definitely will benefit from the winged eye cups that SteveC reviewed sometime back. I plan on getting some. With such big oculars and the sun at your back I do notice a small reflection. No veiling glare at all though. In fact I have yet to see any glare, just the small dot of reflection from backlighting. In bright sunshine these bins are at their best. They never fail to impress. The colors and contrast are near perfect for me, dare I even say that. For 10x, I really like the way they look in the trees also. They seem to have a nice 3d quality for me and a decent depth of field. The focuser is a very strong point. Very smooth and precise. Which makes it easy to gain super sharp focus. I am constantly impressed with the sharpness of this bin. Now in low light it doesn't fair as well. I'm sure the 10x configuration adds to this and it also doesn't help that the bin I'm using them with is the Zeiss 7x42 FL. By the way these make a kill combo. Zeiss on a harness on my chest and the Primes slung over my shoulder for looks at birds on the tree tops. Anyway just wanted to write down some thoughts on my experience so far. Hopefully by the weekend we'll get to hear a lot more about the ins and outs of the Prime and how they get along with others.

This is good news! I also am looking forward to other reviews as users get more experience with the Primes. Hoping one of the new owners of the 8x42 model will give us a review within the next few days.

Just got a package!


My replacement 8x and Charles wanted me to try a 10x as well. Will be doing a comparison as soon as I can (5 PM can't come soon enough!). If there are any side-by-side tests anyone wants me to try, just let me know and I'll give it a shot.
Charles is sending me a replacement due to a few QC concerns I had with my model, and also suggested I try the 10x as well so I'll be able to do a side-by-side and see which fits best. ...........

Umm, so what happens if say your wife likes the 8X the best and you like the 10x best? I see the possibility of only a credit card number going back to Charles.;)

Just got a package!

View attachment 396271

My replacement 8x and Charles wanted me to try a 10x as well. Will be doing a comparison as soon as I can (5 PM can't come soon enough!). If there are any side-by-side tests anyone wants me to try, just let me know and I'll give it a shot.

Seeing as you asked! :-O

Rolling Ball: You saw rolling ball initially with the 8x, but then your follow-up comments indicated you were able to adjust and could not recreate it. I am curious if that is still true and if you see it in the 10x. Comments indicate the 10x is more prone toward that phenomenon.

Pin Cushion: Comments said the 8x should have a little more pin cushion when viewing straight vertical/horizonal lines located on the edge of the view. Can you see the difference? I understand that is why the 8x is less prone to rolling ball.

Ease of eye placement: Is there a difference in the ease of eye placement between the two, meaning is one more forgiving than the other? Is there any difference between the original 8x unit and the replacement 8x?

Eye Cup Postion and Length: Is the placement location on your face the same for both or different? Are the eye cups of the same length?

Brightness: Do they have about the same brightness during bright light of mid day? Do you notice the 8x with the larger exit pupil to be much brighter at twilight?

Focus Mechanisim: Are both the same feel and are they as good as you described about the original unit?

It would also be great to hear any comments about how well the new units resolved the issues you had with the original.

Thanks for asking! Hope these work out for you and your wife.
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Umm, so what happens if say your wife likes the 8X the best and you like the 10x best? I see the possibility of only a credit card number going back to Charles.;)

Yeah I'd considered that too. Fortunately, the original purchase of the 8x was pre-ordered so long ago, I think I could make it work. Maybe Charles would help out with offering the pre-order price I paid for the 8x :) And anyway, my wife knows it's worth the entry price for quality optics, so if these do in fact stack up to alpha quality glass then I don't think she'd be upset with a good investment. On second thought, maybe I should have asked for sequential or matching serial numbers :-O

Rolling Ball: You saw rolling ball initially with the 8x, but then your follow-up comments indicated you were able to adjust and could not recreate it. I am curious if that is still true and if you see it in the 10x. Comments indicate the 10x is more prone toward that phenomenon.

Wasn't me! :) I noticed no RB in the 8xs. I stand by that. Even looking, I can want to see it, but don't really. When I put the 10x to my eye, the first thing I noticed was lots of RB! Well, not really lots, but it was quite noticeable without even looking for it. It did not bother me at all, and my brain quickly adjusted it out of observation unless I focused on it. All in all, not a problem on either pair for me, but definitely present on the 10x.

Pin Cushion: I have not tested this yet. That is to say, I haven't scrutinized geometric objects with parallel lines and right angles. I'm sure it's there, but it's not obvious when looking at nature. Will test later.

Ease of eye placement: Is there a difference in the ease of eye placement between the two, meaning is one more forgiving than the other? Is there any difference between the original 8x unit and the replacement 8x?

I am finding them to be about the same. I must say, Charles was right on the money with the idea that my hinge was too tight, making adjustment difficult without even realizing it. The new 8x is like butter. My wife noticed the improvement immediately, as did I. The 10x is a bit tighter, but not problematic. Both are plenty tight enough to be bumped around or handled on the tripod without going out of adjustment.

Eye Cup Postion and Length: Is the placement location on your face the same for both or different? Are the eye cups of the same length?

They appear to be different. I need to measure and/or place side-by-side to verify the actual dimensions, but the 8x I run fully extended but for the 10x I found the middle notch to be the best. I'll confirm this after further testing, because I already learned from the first pair that there's a bit of a learning curve to finding the optimum position.

Brightness: Do they have about the same brightness during bright light of mid day? Do you notice the 8x with the larger exit pupil to be much brighter at twilight?

Brightness, color, contrast. They all appear essentially identical. Really. I was anticipating a pretty noticeable difference in brightness between the two given the identical aperture (and my young eyes' ability to dilate fully), but even viewing way past sunset (and with cloud cover rolling in), there wasn't really any difference worth mentioning. The only time I could even detect a difference, it was in conditions so bad as to be pointless. I think the extra detail given by the 10x makes up for the smaller exit pupil. Given that it's cloudy, I haven't had a chance to try with astronomy.

One thing I will note, is that contrast (and general viewing) is definitely negatively affected by the eye cups. Because I end up viewing with just a light touch to the top of my eyebrows, lots of light leaks in around the sides. It shows up as a grey haze over the image, resulting in a loss of contrast. You'll also see reflections from light sources behind you (either natural sky or lights) off the oculars superimposed over the image. With the 10x on the tripod, I cupped my hands around the bins to cover the gaps and it was quite an amazing improvement to the entire viewing experience. I also didn't realize until it was gone how distracting all the leaking light is in the peripheral vision. With it blacked out, it was so much nicer to concentrate on the image coming only through the glass. I don't know how you eye-glass wearers could stand it! Winged eye-cups are a must for me to try.

Focus Mechanisim: Are both the same feel and are they as good as you described about the original unit?

I need more time to fully test this. Out of the box, the 10x was excellent, nice and firm with no play whatsoever. The 8x, on the other hand, was awful. Several degrees of slop between forward and backward focus. I was thinking, "oh here we go again with another exchange". But, I noticed (and this was true in the previous sample), that the resistance over the focus range wasn't quite 100% consistent, with a slight tight spot here or a loose spot there. And, when there was slop, I could hear a greasy, airy slurping noise. So, I worked the focus from end to end a bunch of times over the course of my viewing, and it seems to have mostly worked itself out. On the other hand, the 10x seems to have picked up just a hint of slop. It seems like some break-in might be required (expected?), and while they aren't quite perfect at the moment I'm not unhappy with either at this point.

It would also be great to hear any comments about how well the new units resolved the issues you had with the original.

They are much, much better. I got the wow I was looking for with the 10x (probably partly due to my previous experience with the 8x). There are no internal debris in either unit, both show a 100% clear view when looking at the sky. Both are nice to adjust. Both focus pretty well (but as mentioned, not quite perfect yet). One odd thing is the ocular focus adjustment on the 10x. They seem way off. And I mean, to balance them out, I'm at the very end of the scale that's notched in. I'm not sure if I should care, since I can get them in adjustment, though there is very little further travel left. Based on my understand of optics, I suspect it doesn't matter, though I wonder if it's indicative of something else that happened during construction? Everything else optically seems fine so I don't think I'll worry too much about it. The 8x is closer to the original pair, requiring very little move off the 0 mark (and I know my contact lenses are slightly mismatched).

Really, what surprised me most was how similar these bins are to each other. FOV, color, contrast, adjustment, detail, sharpness, adjustment, blackouts, etc. Pretty even across the board. Even hand-holding shake, I was expecting a lot more. If I had to pick only one to keep, after my limited experience with both, flipping a coin seems as good a decision tree as facts and figures. If you have more specialized needs it'd be easier to choose one depending on your preferences, but for a newbie just interested in general and varied nature viewing, they are for most intents and purposes, identical. If you're on the fence, you can't go wrong with either. If you have no idea which to pick, just go for the 8x.

More to come after some serious usage this weekend, and some photos. I think the biggest thing I've learned and would pass on to other prospective buyers with no/limited binocular experience, is that just like most worthwhile activities there is a learning curve. And like most mechanical devices (especially at a price point), there seems to be some break-in required. Put some time in behind these bins and the rewarding views seems to be there much more consistently over time. I'm more interested in hearing from the vets with lots of time behind alphas to really weigh in on how these stack up. They were hyped to be alpha slayers, did they hit the mark or not? Would I be crazy to want both the 8x and 10x? Are they a "lifetime" investment or would I just want to upgrade for something better in a few years (and my real lust is for the Canon 10x42L with image stabilizing)?
was away from forum for a few days. Here is the latest update: we should start shipping on all the remaining orders on Monday. Hopefully, we can clear all the backlog by the end of day Tuesday. Thank you very much for your patience.

Does this include the winners of the drawing or just pre orders??? Bryce...
I've been using my 8x and 10x Primes most all day. I am not going to jump and immediately post stuff until I have had a better chance to look these over and compare to some other stuff.

The very short story is that whatever I'm looking for 8x 0r 10x, I'm looking no more.

If you are needing more eye relief...get the 8x.

The eye cups are changed some on the production units...for the better.

Right now I'm leaning to 10x, but I think the 8x may be a bit better overall. More as I have it to post. A few hours ain't enough time;).
Comparing against the Monarch 7 and the Bushnell HD

OK, first post here-- I've been looking for a better pair of binos for some time, and this forum seems to have some very knowledgeable folks. I've been lurking for a while, and ordered the Zen-Ray Prime 10x42s, which should arrive tomorrow.

In the meantime, I went ahead and obtained a Nikon Monarch 7 10x42, and a Bushnell Ultra HD 10x42. Expect a full comparison after the weekend, but for now, I've got say the Nikons are going to be hard to beat. Very little in the way of color fringes-- I guess that's the ED glass-- and I was using a difficult target to examine that-- the moon.

I will say this in the interim-- the Monarch 7s are substantially better than the Monarch 5s, which I sold a while back. I had "blackout" problems with the 5s-- I could never just pick them up and look; I was always fidgeting with them. No such issue with the 7. It's something with my face geometry; the buyer of my 5s doesn't have any such issues. After playing with the 7, I'm very glad I moved on from the 5.

More later...

The Kuduman
OK, first post here-- I've been looking for a better pair of binos for some time, and this forum seems to have some very knowledgeable folks. I've been lurking for a while, and ordered the Zen-Ray Prime 10x42s, which should arrive tomorrow.

In the meantime, I went ahead and obtained a Nikon Monarch 7 10x42, and a Bushnell Ultra HD 10x42. Expect a full comparison after the weekend, but for now, I've got say the Nikons are going to be hard to beat. Very little in the way of color fringes-- I guess that's the ED glass-- and I was using a difficult target to examine that-- the moon.

I will say this in the interim-- the Monarch 7s are substantially better than the Monarch 5s, which I sold a while back. I had "blackout" problems with the 5s-- I could never just pick them up and look; I was always fidgeting with them. No such issue with the 7. It's something with my face geometry; the buyer of my 5s doesn't have any such issues. After playing with the 7, I'm very glad I moved on from the 5.

More later...

The Kuduman

Welcome Kudman!! Interesting first post! Looking forward to the comparision of the Monarch 7 and the Primes in the field. I had a chance to look through the Monarch 7 in Cabela's yesterday. I thought it was a very nice bin and an improvement over the previous monarchs. Very nice for the price point they sell for, but I did not get the feeling they would be better than my Primes. Hard to tell from just looking through them in the store, but that is the impression I got. Looks like your in for a fun weekend. Enjoy and let us know what you think.
RE: Post #226


Thanks for posting about your replacement Primes and how the 8x and the 10x compared. It was a good read!

I thought you were observing rolling ball when you commented in your first post ..........

"I get a woodpecker that lands on top of my chimney and likes to rap on the metal plate (it sounds like a jackhammer from inside the house!), so I swung them up there for a look. Wow, the word that came into my head was "booIIINNG!" or some other goofy word you'd say when you see jello squares deforming and jiggling around. I'm not planning to look at walls and geometric shapes as a habit, but the distortion was striking."

Like you, I noticed considerable rolling ball in my first 10x, but it became less noticeable over the next several days before sending them back for exchange. I just received my replacement 10x and the rolling ball seems about the same as it was just before I returned the first set. I will see if it diminishes some more over the next few days.

The IP adjustment tension is much better on my replacement. They hold the adjustment, but I can now get a precise setting.

If I understood your comments correctly, the focus mechanism was better on your original unit. I doubt the free play will improve over time on the new 10x. If anything, it may get worse. My replacement 10x has noticeable free play, maybe slightly more than the first set at the point when I sent it back. I am thinking this is the nature of the beast, but then others have posted no/none/nada free play. Maybe their definition of "no" free play is different than mine. I will have to check with Charles to find out what the expectations should be. Based on what I am reading in some of the other posts, I hope it's better than what I have because it does take away somewhat from the other fine qualities of the Prime.

The diopter setting on my first pair ended up at almost to the end of the scale when it normally is much closer to the center. I will continue to check this on the replacement unit over the next several days. I don't like to go with only one attempt at setting the diopter because it is so easy to be off. I noticed the replacement unit diopter ring has a spot with increased tension during rotation that was not in the original. I will see if I can work that out. I hope other owners will post on where they ended up on the diopter setting scale compared to their other binoculars.

I am keeping an open mind on eye placement, ease of use and eye cup length. I will follow Steve's advice on this item and give it some time.

So far, it looks like the viewing quality of the replacement will be every bit as good as the first unit. Right now is terrible viewing with a high 104 degree bright desert sun and a slight amount of monsoon haze. Things should be more dynamic later this evening!

Would you be crazy to want both an 8x and a 10x? I hope not! If so I am in big trouble since I now have several 8x and a couple 10s.

I can see the Prime lasting a lifetime, but I do not see them or any other brand being a lifetime investment. Advances in the technology will eventually pass them by. The good news is they should have a lot slower rate of depreciation that your digital cameras! (On second thought, maybe that is not good news.)
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was away from forum for a few days. Here is the latest update: we should start shipping on all the remaining orders on Monday. Hopefully, we can clear all the backlog by the end of day Tuesday. Thank you very much for your patience.


Does this include the winners of the drawing or just pre orders??? Bryce...

I've been on the pre-order list since late April......? No glass yet.

I have received shipping notifications from Zen-Ray for all of my shipments. If you have not heard anything, then I suggest you contact Zen-Ray directly for a status update. The web site as of now shows limited stock on hand for the 10X42 and currently out of stock but taking pre-orders for the 8X42. Your guess is as good as mine.
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I've been using my 8x and 10x Primes most all day. I am not going to jump and immediately post stuff until I have had a better chance to look these over and compare to some other stuff.
More as I have it to post. A few hours ain't enough time;).

Take your time. We will keep the light on for ya! ;)
My 8X's arrived today and I had a quick look...
IPD adjustment is smooth but firm enough to hold :t:
Focus wheel seems fine (no slop) but I would like it to have a little more resistance:t:
No problems with black outs, but than again i'm a pro! ;)
"Dust" specks in the left barrel (two to be exact), one close to the center and one off to the left, I didn't see them right off because of my floaters but they reared their ugly heads after a few minutes of viewing. :C
I did like the view but those "specks" will always be in the back of my mind.

Actually the future Mrs and I are headed to a doctor in Virginia in September to have hers removed.
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