As others have said midges usually not that great a problem here, and you'd be 2-3 weeks too late for RNPs. Corncrakes will be a struggle - they finish calling by early Aug so will be sneaking about in the abundant cover! - it's been a really late summer so the hay fields and crops are well behind, so I suspect a lot wion't be getting cut till about mid-Aug this year - staking out the Balranald visitor centre is likely to be a pretty good bet (guy I work with photographed a female with a brood in his garden this morning from his kitchen window).
Otters are everywhere best keeping an eye outall the time, although Langass is good, as is Loch Eynort on South uist and the North Ford at the fish factory at Gramsdale Benbecula - otters attracted to the outfall by the scavenging fish & crabs - once photgraphed 4 together there.
As to general birding - all the breeding raptors will still be around with young dispersing - given reasonable weather they should be relatively easy. Wader migration will have kicked in with big flocks of dunlin, sanderling, ringoes, turnstones, bar wits on the coast - likely to be a sprinkling blackwits (often on stubble here!!!), whimbrel, greenshank, ruff, maybe wood sand, little stint or curlew sand around (or even an American wader or two - pec, buff-b white-rump & lesser legs most likley in Aug)
Seabirds will be on the move too with potentially some decent seawatching to be had - sooties regular by then, stormies and maybe a few other odds and ends on top of the regular stuff. The ferry crossings can be excellent for seabirds and also cetaceans plus basking shark.
Passerines probably a bit thin in terms of migration at that time, but things like icky and barred warbler have occurred in mid Aug, as well as for us, scarce species from the mainland.
Email me if you want any uptodate gen beforehand.
Outer Hebs Recorder
PS Snowy Owl being an elusive b****r!! and weather currently is F6SW with heavy rain squalls - first 3 sooties of the autumn this evening off Rubha Ardvule.