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Redwing Migration (1 Viewer)


Hi all,

I was wondering when Redwings usually migrate? I've just moved to Glasgow, and I've noticed one solitary Redwing at the same little bit of roadside greenery on several occasions. He seems to be in the company of two Song Thrushes but I've not seen any other Redwings. I think it's strange that he's on his own in a built up area and was just wondering if the Redwings will have already migrated as I know there are very few resident birds.
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There are still plentyof Redwings moving through the south of England at the moment, so chances are your bird will end up moving on.
Probably, it's just that I'd never seen one before and everything I read indicated them moving on my by now, but then it has been pretty cold!
In a normal year the vast majority should have left by now, but this year they've been rather slow, they are only just turning up in Sweden now. We can't seem to shift this snow despite having lovely sunny days for the past month or so, the Skylarks have returned in the past couple of weeks and are all sitting forlornly on snow covered fields!
The easterly winds over Scotland in recent days will have put them off attempting the migration. It seems to have been much calmer over the weekend, so maybe they will depart soon.
Saw a solitary Redwing on Wednesday here in South Wales, but the last flock (200+) was on Monday, it would prove interesting to know about any further late sightings. I havn't seen any Fieldfare for more than a week.
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