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Red-Throated Divers... (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hi All,

I had a thread on here asking advice for viewing BTD's back in Jan last year (a big thanks to all those who responded.)

Since then I've had some fantastic views. In the search for BTD's I've had some great views of GND and RTD but they were always rather fleeting.

With that in mind I plan to Holiday in Shetland next year and wondered if anyone could recommend the peak time for observing Red Throats ? my current thinking is the last week of May / first week of June.

I haven't fully finished my research yet so am also considering Iceland (south west) / Tromsø and am of course open to any other suggestions.

Any help much appreciated.

Tromsø is exceptional for Close viewing and photographing Red Throated Divers. "Prestvannet" is a lake in a park in the centre of Tromsø town and has up to 9 or ten nesting pairs every year. Ist week in june is a little early as the ice may not of melted. ist week in july would be safe. A bonus is the prescence of displaying Ruff on the east end of the lake.
BUT Tromsø is (like the Whole of Norway) horribly expensive!!
Maybe Shetland is more affordable but Tromsø gives unrivled chances for Close and confident nesting Red Throats.

Tromsø is exceptional for Close viewing and photographing Red Throated Divers. "Prestvannet" is a lake in a park in the centre of Tromsø town and has up to 9 or ten nesting pairs every year. Ist week in june is a little early as the ice may not of melted. ist week in july would be safe. A bonus is the prescence of displaying Ruff on the east end of the lake.
BUT Tromsø is (like the Whole of Norway) horribly expensive!!
Maybe Shetland is more affordable but Tromsø gives unrivled chances for Close and confident nesting Red Throats.


Remember being surprised to see them in the park in the centre of Tromso. We were just walking around the shops and went to the park to see if there were any birds.
Thought I was seeing things and had to double check they were indeed Red Throated Diver.
I hadn't done any research beforehand so I was amazed to see them there.
Thanks all, very useful info. After some other research I'm thinking Tromsø might be the place.
Distance wise everything looks very compact, so could hire a cycle and explore the surrounding area.

Looks a lovely place.
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