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Recommendations for guides to Mallorca/Baleares (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hello everyone. Can you give some recommendations for birding/nature guides to Mallorca please? I love the Crossbill Guides, so it would be great if there were books available in a similar style. Also, is Dave Gosney's "Finding Birds in Mallorca" still helpful? I've never bought his books and I'm curious. Thanks :)
I found the map here invaluable for my trip last year, and believe the book is very good too.

There is also a very active Subforum for Mallorca here with great info and friendly, helpful contributors.


I found the map here invaluable for my trip last year, and believe the book is very good too.

There is also a very active Subforum for Mallorca here with great info and friendly, helpful contributors.


Hello Chris, thanks for the info! Somehow I've failed to notice the subforum. I'll be definetely following it!
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