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Rare and Scarce Birds in Staffordshire (7 Viewers)

News for the 23rd Jan

3 ad White-fronted Geese - Blithfield in St Stephen's bay
Ad Iceland & 2w Caspian Gull also Juv Great Northern Diver - Chasewater
1w drake Smew - Westport Lake
Adult Med Gull (ringed PNU9) - again West Park,Wolverhampton
News for the 23rd Jan

3 ad White-fronted Geese - Blithfield in St Stephen's bay
Ad Iceland & 2w Caspian Gull also Juv Great Northern Diver - Chasewater
1w drake Smew - Westport Lake
Adult Med Gull (ringed PNU9) - again West Park,Wolverhampton

This is from a scheme in south-west Poland, close to the Czech border.
Do people ever do gull roosts in the morning when they depart? Or is it unproductive compared to evening watches?

Silly Q I know, just wondered in light of this bird.
Do people ever do gull roosts in the morning when they depart? Or is it unproductive compared to evening watches?

Silly Q I know, just wondered in light of this bird.

Mornings are very hit n miss - most the time the gulls go out at first light (if not before) but it has worked I know at times. Sundays are always the most unpredictable roosts as with the tips closed there's often a high turnover of birds.
Lifted from the Chasewater blog:

"Around 4.30pm a possible juvenile Thayers Gull was seen from the South shore before gradually swimming away; the bird was concolourous, with pale fringed brown primaries and showed a silvery underwing. The general appearance (size and structure) of the bird gave an impression intermediate between Iceland and Herring gull"
News for the 26th Jan

Ad Iceland & 2 Caspian (1w & 2w) Gull - Chasewater roost
1w drake Scaup, 1w Med Gull & fem Merlin - Belvide
Imm drake Smew - Hanley Forest Park lake
Juv Great Northern Diver - again Ryder's Mere, Clayhanger
Ad Med Gull - again West Park, Wolverhampton
Ad Med Gull - Stubbers Green
News for the 28th Jan

2 Caspian Gull (ad+1w) - Chasewater roost
2w Caspian Gull - Blithfield roost
Juv Great Northern Diver - still Ryder's Mere
1w drake Smew - still Hanley Forest Park Lake
1w Med Gull - Belvide roost
News for the 29th Jan

1w Caspian Gull - Chasewater roost
1w drake Smew - Hanley Forest Park Lake
1w drake Scaup - Aqualate Mere
Juv Great Northern Diver - still Ryder's Mere
Had a nice male Blackcap by my office window off Old Heath road on Willenhall Road, in Eastern Central Wolverhampton yesterday. Hardly newsworthy I know, they quite regularly over winter these days. I had three blackcaps overwinter in my garden in Whitmore Reans about twelve years ago so not rare .
Any one help please...Is Ryder's Mere the same as Clayhanger....wanted to look for the Diver...thanks. :t:

Clayhanger Marsh joins on to Ryders Mere. Ryders Mere is the larger body of water(although still small) and consequently gets more diving ducks, grebes etc.

It's best to wear wellies as when I visited a couple of weeks ago it was pretty boggy.
Lesser Scaup - Tittesworth 10/7/2014

The re-sightinging of this bird on July 10th has not been submitted to the BBRC, so if anyone knows the finder or saw the bird, could they please submit a description - either to me or via the BBRC (see their web site for details)

Thanks, Nick
Nice female Smew at Croxall GPs was a welcome find this afternoon. They have certainly been v thin on the ground this winter. I remember them being virtually guaranteed along the A38 pits in years gone past.

A decent hour there also produced Jack Snipe with 14 Commons, 5 Redshank, 2 Shelduck, 122 Pochard and 8 Goosander.
Clayhanger Marsh joins on to Ryders Mere. Ryders Mere is the larger body of water(although still small) and consequently gets more diving ducks, grebes etc.

It's best to wear wellies as when I visited a couple of weeks ago it was pretty boggy.

Thanks snapper...is it best to park in Clayhanger lane and follow the disused rail line or can access be gained from Fairburn cresent.....
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