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Rare and Scarce Birds in Staffordshire (2 Viewers)

Hi Andy,

In addition to what you mentioned at Brookleys Lake, I also saw 24 Mandarins(32 reported earlier). I was lucky enough to have the Kite which flew low over the approach road as I stopped to ask some walkers for directions.

Paul Jeynes has also just text me to say that there were 3 Caspians in the Chasewater roost(1 ad, 2 3rd w), ad Med, and 5+ Y-L Gulls.

Hi Andy,

In addition to what you mentioned at Brookleys Lake, I also saw 24 Mandarins(32 reported earlier). I was lucky enough to have the Kite which flew low over the approach road as I stopped to ask some walkers for directions.

Paul Jeynes has also just text me to say that there were 3 Caspians in the Chasewater roost(1 ad, 2 3rd w), ad Med, and 5+ Y-L Gulls.


Cheers Steve, thought i'd put a bit on seein' as Sams stand in, Mr Moorehen is obviously not up to the job todayB :). Bad lad:t:

Time for a little confession, i still need Caspo!!! Think i might pay a little visit to Mr Jeynes garden pond tomorrow.

Have a good un


I may do Stubbers or Kingswood tomorrow.

If you want to PM your mobile number, I'll drop you a line if I get any.

Theres been around 6 individuals in the Cannock/Chasewater/Stubbers area over the past week, so there should definitely be a couple knocking round tomorrow.

If none are at the two 'day time'(easy) sites, Chasewater roost should at least produce the regular large 3rd winter bird.

Cheers Steve, thought i'd put a bit on seein' as Sams stand in, Mr Moorehen is obviously not up to the job todayB :). Bad lad:t:

Time for a little confession, i still need Caspo!!! Think i might pay a little visit to Mr Jeynes garden pond tomorrow.

Have a good un



Hey!! less of the gibba-gabba Mr Rockbirder...i'm just posting my update after actually being out in the field...well this afternoon after my hangover had subsided...B :) :C

After a male Blackcap in the garden had a walk over the Chase this afternoon for c2hrs around the Katyn / Sherbrook Valley area...no sign of any of the birds that i wouldn't be able to report on here even if i had seen them (if you get my drift...;)) all i had was 4 Raven and female Stonechat of note.

Extra News for the 1st Jan

1st winter drake Scaup - still on Gailey Sailing lake
4 adult Yellow-legged Gull - Belvide

Steve 'Nut Job' Nuttall managed 72 species today from 07.45am (the crazy fool!!) Can anybody beat that...i only had 35 but i was hungover and on the Chase so i'm happy with that...:t:

A good few 'padders' to start off the New Year about today...good luck to anybody doing a Staffs Year List...keep us updated on here...All The Best...:t:
Does that mean you are finally going to show your girlfriend who's boss, instead of being under the thumb? ;)

Nah she is still the boss...we have done loads on the house last year so should have a bit more time once we have finished the last few projects...hopefully by the spring...:smoke:
Nah she is still the boss...we have done loads on the house last year so should have a bit more time once we have finished the last few projects...hopefully by the spring...:smoke:

Mmmm! I'm just finishing the last few projects aswell, been in the house 17 years !! ;)
Two points from today.

When visiting Brookleys, walk anti clockwise round the lake, towards the cottage-type building which is visible on the right as you enter the area. This avoids quite a lot of disturbance on site. Today a group of four walked left and stood above the ice free area. None of the 32 Mandarin were left on the bank and everything else was disturbed. When standing on the right hand side you also have slightly better light with the sun not being so bad.

Secondly, it has been noted that some behaviour today at Blithfield was not as it should have been. Its permit holders only in Tad and Blithe Bay, and, many of you will have discovered there are now locks on the gates to the forward hide and the gate leading to Beech Tree Point and into Stansley Wood / Blithe Bay. Use your keys on these and don't climb over the gates please!

Thanks, Nick Smith (one of the Vol Wardens on site today)
Two points from today.

When visiting Brookleys, walk anti clockwise round the lake, towards the cottage-type building which is visible on the right as you enter the area. This avoids quite a lot of disturbance on site. Today a group of four walked left and stood above the ice free area. None of the 32 Mandarin were left on the bank and everything else was disturbed. When standing on the right hand side you also have slightly better light with the sun not being so bad.

Secondly, it has been noted that some behaviour today at Blithfield was not as it should have been. Its permit holders only in Tad and Blithe Bay, and, many of you will have discovered there are now locks on the gates to the forward hide and the gate leading to Beech Tree Point and into Stansley Wood / Blithe Bay. Use your keys on these and don't climb over the gates please!

Thanks, Nick Smith (one of the Vol Wardens on site today)
We visited Brookleys this morning, and all the birders who were there viewed from the anti clockwise side with the sun to our right and slightly behind, you do get better views from this side due to the light. We never saw anyone around the other side, and there is a big NO ENTRY sign there anyway. Good views of the Scaup and Fudge amongst others.

4 of us visited Tad and Blythe bay today, 2 of the group are very long standing members WMBC and the other 2 of us are quite new members who have never been there before. 2 of our group did climb over the gate to the forward hide, then a kind gentleman with a key opened it up for the rest of us and a few more birders who were waiting to go through. It is unfortunate that all 4 of us did not have a key, although 2 of our party do own one. The member of our party who was the driver picked the rest of us up, and cutting a long story short, none of us had a key. We did manage to see the Smew in Blythe bay and then the GND in the main area right of the sailing club very briefly before losing sight of it.

Where is the best place to obtain a key? We were talking about it, and I mentioned that for an extra fee when renewing membership, one could be sent to members who reqested it.

Enjoyed my first visit to this part of Blithfield, only ever veiwing it from the Causeway in the past.

Keep up the good work.

Keys can be purchased at the engineer's office, which is the building before you reach the dam and sailing club. £2 each. :t:

Where is the best place to obtain a key? We were talking about it, and I mentioned that for an extra fee when renewing membership, one could be sent to members who reqested it.
Jack Snipe Count

5 jack snipe this morning at Caverswall Marsh just south of weston coyney bridge. Good time now as the marsh is mostly frozen over with most birds congregating around running inlets.

Hi All,

A bit of news for today :

3 Caspian Gulls at Kingswood today : large 3rd winter, 2 2nd winters(1 a large rather scruffy individual). Also 3+ Y-L Gulls(2+ads, 1 1st w).

There were thousands of gulls commuting between the tip, nearby wasteland, and frozen fishing pool during the 4 hours I was there. Views on the lake are superb and very close(compared with roosts). Please just approach the lake carefully if visiting as gulls will flush. The 3rd winter appeared 3 times between 10:15 and 14:15, the 2 2nd winters were present for around 20 mins each.

Gailey : 1st w drk Scaup still on Sailing Lake this pm.

The Ferruginous Duck still at Brookleys Lake this morning, plus the female Scaup, four Crossbills over, but no Mandarins. Pic of the Fudge Duck and Scaup together, with a little less camera shake this time. :-O

There was only a small patch of open water left on the lake this morning. Another night as cold as last night could freeze the lake's surface completely and force the bird to move the bird on. Should that happen, where will it go???????????????? Utch? Blithers? Or, dare I say, Carsington? :eek!:

Speaking of Blithers, Green-Winged Teal still in Tad Bay this afternoon.


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More pics of the Fudge and Scaup at Brookleys also Peregrine here and 5 Raven in the area. Smew, 2 Mandarins and Green Winged Teal at Blith plus a report of the Great Northern still being present.Also a Yellow legged Gull at Westport this morning.


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cackling geese? tittesworth today

these 2 dropped in as a new flock of canadas and 65 pink feet went over.

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Evening All,

The Moorehen is not able to do todays summary of news and has asked me to do it, so here goes :

FERRUGINOUS DUCK ad drk still Brookleys Lake + fem Scaup & 4 Crossbills over.

G-W Teal drk Blithfield Res in Tad Bay this afternoon + fem Smew in Blithe Bay with Goosanders & G N Diver at deep end.

3 Caspian Gulls Chasewater roost(ad, 3rd w, 2nd w).

3 Caspian Gulls Kingswood(3rd w, 2 2nd w) + 3+ Y-L Gulls(2+ads, 1st w)

Scaup 1st w drk Gailey Res sailing lake still.

8 Y-L Gulls(8ads, 3rd w) Belvide Res roost + Snow Goose still with Greylags.

5 Jack Snipe Caverswall Marsh

65 Pinkfeet over Tittersworth Res, + presumed feral small Canada Geese.

Good birding to all in 2010
There was only a small patch of open water left on the lake this morning. Another night as cold as last night could freeze the lake's surface completely and force the bird to move the bird on. Should that happen, where will it go???????????????? Utch? Blithers? Or, dare I say, Carsington? :eek!:.

Gailey :t:
If anyone is thinking of driving over this way from Stoke tomorrow morning then take care and avoid the Ashbank Road. The road beyond the traffic lights on the way to Cheadle (junction with Leek to Weston Coyney road) had quite a lot of snow on it this afternoon making the road and driving treacherous. Cars were stuck and a tractor was assisting some who could not get up the gradient beyond lights. I got stuck up there at one point and eventually had to drive out to the A50 and through Tean to get back to Cheadle. Put it this way it was an epic afternoon.

I was informed that Stoke Council had also ran out of grit. Never saw a gritter anywhere and there was nobody trying to warn cars not to go up there from Stoke. If it freezes over tonight it will not be good for driving on tomorrow so avoid.

There is very little snow in Tean and Cheadle with the main roads clear.

Happy Birding

Hi All

And a happy new year to you all.

Thanks Dean about the info on the roads I was thinking of heading that way so thanks for the tip off, may do the owl walk at Park Hall.

Not done to much birding yet this year, i the garden I have managed to bag Willow Tit and Bullfinch although these are regular visitors but still great to see.

Ventured across the boaders into Notts to visit Attenborough well worth a visit as the have 3 Bitterns and are hanging around the Cliffton Pools right in front of the new Tower hide, one bird did a full lap of the lake before coming back down into the reeds.

Also present was a Ruddy Shellduck but this is probably an excaped bird.

Hi All

And a happy new year to you all.

Thanks Dean about the info on the roads I was thinking of heading that way so thanks for the tip off, may do the owl walk at Park Hall.

Not done to much birding yet this year, i the garden I have managed to bag Willow Tit and Bullfinch although these are regular visitors but still great to see.

Ventured across the boaders into Notts to visit Attenborough well worth a visit as the have 3 Bitterns and are hanging around the Cliffton Pools right in front of the new Tower hide, one bird did a full lap of the lake before coming back down into the reeds.

Also present was a Ruddy Shellduck but this is probably an excaped bird.


Remember this is a STAFFS SCARCE BIRDS forum ie NO garden birds or birds from other counties.
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Blith this Morning:

GN Diver, GW Teal, and Smew still present.

Also a movement of PF Geese beteeen 09:15 - 09:40
3 skeins: c90, c80 and 20 going NW - WNW.

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