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Raptor ID - Eure-et-Loire - France (2 Viewers)


Active member
Hi everyone,

Around 2pm today, while driving through fields, I had a raptor flying overhead in the wind (a strong, north-western wind).

First, I was sure it was a male honey buzzard. I took my camera, of course no battery... Murphy's law because the ID question would have been solved easily.

I took my phone and snatched a quick photo before observing with binos.

It's afterwards while looking at the photo that a friend and I had a doubt. We thought about either a short-toed snake eagle, which could be a rare sighting, or more likely a pale buzzard. Commas look visible on the under wing but the photo is of very bad quality.

Thanks for helping, I'm very curious...


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Thank you all!
If others want to give their opinion no problem but it all goes to STSE. It's a rare sighting for this region, even if he is not breeding that far south...
I had a small farmhouse in Lower Normandy for a while, ca25 years ago, about 30 miles from Rennes. I had one record of STE in 5 years vs quite a few Booted and Honeys. I am not surprised considering the habitat...

I think I have the right info but I still would like to have more links for this region. It was in the Eure-et-Loir department in the Centre region, whereas the link you just sent is for birds in the Ile-de-France region. So its true its further north but then the distribution goes down to the Loir-et-Cher.
But as Laurie said, I heard there were rare sightings of STSE in Normandy so it makes it more plausible.
Anyway, I went back there and found it again! Same place almost, fields and interspersed forests.
Looks like a young.


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I think I have the right info but I still would like to have more links for this region. It was in the Eure-et-Loir department in the Centre region, whereas the link you just sent is for birds in the Ile-de-France region. So its true its further north but then the distribution goes down to the Loir-et-Cher.
But as Laurie said, I heard there were rare sightings of STSE in Normandy so it makes it more plausible.
Anyway, I went back there and found it again! Same place almost, fields and interspersed forests.
Looks like a young.

To reach Île de France, the STE crosses Loir River, right ? We are in September, peak of migration for that species. Even if it wouldn't breed in your are, sure some individuals from further North cross the area annually. That was my point.
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