I had contact with the customer service at Austria about the armor and when they start the implication of the new armor composition and the warranty of the “old” armor. This is what they stated: “
Dear Customer,
probably your NL PURE hasn't the improved armouring.
This material change takes place from time to time and from product to product.
In course of the next months mostly all new NL PURE device will delivered with the improved armouring.
Your NL PURE material contains no plasticizers or protective agents and is low in allergens.
The special properties of this material mean that under certain conditions, optical changes such as abrasion, cracks and fissures can occur in the armor. However, this only affects around 1 to 2 percent of devices.
All our products are processed with the highest quality, which we have gained over years of experience. Our devices are guaranteed for 10 years against defects in material and workmanship. Even though these defects to TPU-basedarmoring's are extremely rare, we replace our customers' TPU armoring as a gesture of goodwill after their two-year warranty period on wear parts, and we do not charge for labor within the first 10 years.”
And on my question if the NL Pures with the new TAs adapter mount have the new armor:
“ Not necessarily, as we have only been changing over the production of the devices for a certain time.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to say exactly whether and when the devices will be available at the respective dealers.”
I have the NL Pure 10x32 with the new adapter mount, but I can’t say if I have the new armor. It’s not a big deal as I trust the Swarovski warranty, but if my NL Pure armor brakes down after 11 years I have to pay for labour costs probably. It would be nice as that means I still be there to send it 😁