I'm curious too. That info would give me a better idea of where I am in the delivery queue. My order was pre-beta review sight unseen, around April 15th for a 10X42. I think that was before the end of the Zen-Ray contest so that puts me in front of your winning Prime HD

What did you decide to go with, the 8x or 10x?
I am also curious as to the size of a production run. Is it 100, 200, 500 units, or is that not even close? I suspect this is a very limited market with a lot of competition and Zen-Ray does not have the name recognition of a Bushnell or even Vortex. I would think you have to sell quite a few just to cover development and other fixed costs. I give Charles a lot of credit for taking the risk.
I remember as a kid being told by a relative that curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back! :cat: