We do a lot of mental gymnastics to convince ourselves that we are right. Just like I did a few days ago. Having read all about the greatness of Swarovski I went to a hunting shop (where the salesmen had no idea about binoculars btw) and was able to look through ELSV 10x50 and NL 12x42. I expected to be amazed and was seriously considering selling what bins I have to buy one of the NL's - because they are apparently not only the best but also offer the widest field of view among premium bins in the market.
Long story short, I just wasn't impressed. I need to say that I only spent maybe 15 minutes with them, definitely not enough to form an educated opinion. They are no doubt very good binoculars but there was nothing they do better than what I have. It was interesting to compare my Retrovid 7x to NL 12x. Funny thing is, it was easier to read a car's licence plate at a medium distance with the former, not something I had expected to see. Swarovski focusers were also disappointing, gritty and uneven tension.
The Canon 10x42 I have is too big (I'm a casual observer) and I'm still not a fan of its eyecups, even though I have learned to live with them. The image has a slight yellow cast, compared to Retrovids almost perfectly neutral view. Tbh, I managed to compare two Canon's, one made in Japan a few years ago and the new one from Taiwan and the latter was slightly but visibly brighter, especially on stars. But there was also something slightly wrong with it as it gave me a bit of a headache compared to the first one, which is pretty much perfect. Taiwanese sample also had a focuser that was too light and had a minimal slack, its Japanese brother has an amazingly perfect focuser.
I felt the need to ramble a little and wasn't convinced that it's worth it to creat a new thread for these comparisons so I'm just putting this here
Oh, and btw. I also ordered Nikon EDG 7x42 to replace the Retrovid (I was convinced it would be much better) and after a few days of comparisons decided that I liked the Leica more. Same sharpness, same brightness, slightly different colour cast and contrast, better eyecups and stability on The Nikon but at the cost of size, Nikons focuser was faster and better in general but this sample was almost too delicate for my liking. The compact Nikon LXL 8x20 still has the best focuser I have ever experienced.