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Possible Ruddy breasted crake? December in Songkhla, S Thailand (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hi, I have only this one photo but it is it possible that it, the photo, is of a ruddy breasted crake? No white on neck or wing or rump and darkish bill so I think can exclude waterhen, moorehen and coot. That would only leave ruddy breasted crake I believe. And the white barred undertail covers(?) would seem to support that. I did see it quite clearly (without bins) in the open before it took off and it was quite "hen" like in posture and dark all over.
Photo taken at Hat Yai Water Treatment Plant, a series of dikes and marshes and ponds, in Songkhla province, Southern Thailand, around 9 am December 16, 2023.
thanks in advance for all comments and critiques.


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I see yellowish legs and no undertail barring. I also see some whitish feathers in a line in the flank and a greenish bill. I find interpreting the tail feather colours difficult.

The yellowish feet mean this must be immature if it is ruddy-breasted. I think the image is more consistent with immature moorhen though
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