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please review Napo/Amazonian Lodges (1 Viewer)

I just got this reply from Yuturi:

La reserva Biologica YUTURI esta cerrada desde noviembre del ano 2009 hasta
junio 2010 por motivos de reconstruccion, para poder atender a todos los
pasajeros de YUTURI, hemos pactado un acuerdo con el Amazon Dolphin Lodge
ubicado en el bosque panacocha, frente a Yuturi del lado norte del rio napo

Los precios son los mismos para pasajeros o turistas de naturaleza y para
pasajeros ornithologos, lo que cambia es el guia
el guia tiene un costo de 50,oo usd diarios que ustedes lo pagan
directamente en el lodge
puedo invitar a jaime para que sea su guia en panacocha
Hi all,
I visited the Sani Lodge in Mid March and I have to say, if you dont care for high prices, this is an excellent option. The guiding is very good, I would not say superb, but very good. We spent three full birding days and I would strongly suggest spending another day or two. We had some very good birds such as (in no particular order) Orange-crested Manakin, Lunulated Antbird, Buckley's Forest-falcon, Tawny-bellied Screech-owl, Undulated Tinamou, Brown and White-chinned Jacamars and many, many more. We camped for $450/5 days including travel days and we had our own birding guide.
Good birding,
I forgot to mention that this is the only lodge that has Rufous Potoo. I have yet to hear of anyone missing it there.

For the record, I've been to Sani three times and missed the potoo once, that being during my most recent visit in August this year. The new tower is taller, more stable and as birdy as the old one, but considerably further from the lodge itself. Finally caught up with Cocha Antshrike on my last trip as consolation for the lack of potoo...
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