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Peru - Three to six months trip (1 Viewer)

I just returned from three months in Peru. At the moment, there are a lot of political problems there. The former president is in jail, and his followers are protesting and sometimes rioting. They often set up roadblocks, making travel impossible for days at a time. Several people have been killed. Access to Maccho Piccho has been closed, as well as several airports in the south. Some tourists have been trapped in their hotels for days. The situation changes by the day. Some days are very bad and others are peaceful. Hopefully, this will clear up before you go. If not, I suggest you postpone your trip. If you do go, one of the best birds to see is the Marvellous Spatultail. This rare hummingbird lives only in one valley in the northern Andes mountains. You can also see birds that reside along riverbanks by taking a boat tour. I did tours on the River Mayo. Of course, you will want to see the Andean Cock-of-the-rock. There are several places to see them. I went to a breeding colony of them in the north. Also, several birds are endemic to the Tumbes region in the northwest corner of the country. There are lots of other great birds to see all over the country. Besides birds, there are many interesting insects and snakes, and I especially liked the poison dart frogs, the sloths, and the monkeys. I can suggest a couple of guides in the Tarapoto area if you go there.
I'll be in Tarapoto staying near the Alto Shilcayo during the first week of June, 2023. I would be interested in having the names of some local bird guides and the cost to hire for various day trips (more extensive trails into Alto Shilcayo; the Ahuashiyacu waterfall). After a week here, I'll be spending a week in Moyobamba. I have contacted Ikam expeditions there and hope to get a bird guide for Morro de Calzada for one of the days. I will be spending 3 nights at Waqanki as well. I'm not an avid birder who must get xxxxx number of species or specific ones; most I see there will be lifers for me and I know from experience that having someone familiar with what you looking at is most helpful. Thank you for any help you can provide.
I'll be in Tarapoto staying near the Alto Shilcayo during the first week of June, 2023. I would be interested in having the names of some local bird guides and the cost to hire for various day trips (more extensive trails into Alto Shilcayo; the Ahuashiyacu waterfall). After a week here, I'll be spending a week in Moyobamba. I have contacted Ikam expeditions there and hope to get a bird guide for Morro de Calzada for one of the days. I will be spending 3 nights at Waqanki as well. I'm not an avid birder who must get xxxxx number of species or specific ones; most I see there will be lifers for me and I know from experience that having someone familiar with what you looking at is most helpful. Thank you for any help you can provide.
Have you already been in touch with Carlos at Waqanki?
Fern. Here are some guides near Tarapoto.
Angle Chujutalli Del Castillo is an excellent guide for the Tarapoto area. He does not live in Tarapoto but does guiding in the whole area. He lives in a nearby town. A really nice guy and an excellent guide. He knows his birds. He is also a guide for the poison dart frogs if that interests you.
Another guide is Henry Gonzales Pineto. He does birding tours all over Peru including Iquitos and Manu.
These guides charge $100 US per day. The only problem is that most men in Tarapoto do not know how to drive except for motorcycles so you also need to hire a driver. This can range from$80 to $100 per day. They can arrange the car and driver for you. You really get your money's worth with Angel. He will pick you up before sunrise and you go birding the whole day. Not just until early afternoon. No food is included so you would need to pack a lunch, snacks and water.
For the Lake Junin area contact Cesar Donato Zevailo Bashualdo. There are several endemics that live only around this lake.
All of these guys are on Facebook.
Not sure of the political situation currently in Peru. I was there a month ago and it was bad with road blocks and rioting.

Fern. Here are some guides near Tarapoto.
Angle Chujutalli Del Castillo is an excellent guide for the Tarapoto area. He does not live in Tarapoto but does guiding in the whole area. He lives in a nearby town. A really nice guy and an excellent guide. He knows his birds. He is also a guide for the poison dart frogs if that interests you.
Another guide is Henry Gonzales Pineto. He does birding tours all over Peru including Iquitos and Manu.
These guides charge $100 US per day. The only problem is that most men in Tarapoto do not know how to drive except for motorcycles so you also need to hire a driver. This can range from$80 to $100 per day. They can arrange the car and driver for you. You really get your money's worth with Angel. He will pick you up before sunrise and you go birding the whole day. Not just until early afternoon. No food is included so you would need to pack a lunch, snacks and water.
For the Lake Junin area contact Cesar Donato Zevailo Bashualdo. There are several endemics that live only around this lake.
All of these guys are on Facebook.
Not sure of the political situation currently in Peru. I was there a month ago and it was bad with road blocks and rioting.

Thank you for all the information. I'll check into all of this. Were you mainly in the Cuzco area? or is there rioting in Tarapoto / Moyobamba areas as well?
Were you mainly in the Cuzco area? or is there rioting in Tarapoto / Moyobamba areas as well?
I did not get to Cuzco because of the rioting. The airport was closed. Tourists there were trapped in their hotels for several days. I was in the Amazon east of Tarapoto and also in the northern Andes. Mostly peaceful there.
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