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Om-1 And Mike Lane vids (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
United States
Been watching several of his videos. Interesting reviews. Think I am going to rent camera when available here in states. Looks like not till July on lens rentals com.

those that have camera how are you getting along with it? Only tried m4/3 a few years ago for a week with m1 mkii

still using Canon at this point
I find it interesting with the cameras that the OM1 gets compared to and the price of those cameras. Here it was the Sony A1, in DPreview it was canon R3 and Nikon Z9. Below I am picking prices from Amazon.com in USD:
OM1 2206
A1 6498
R3 6799
Z9 7300

In other words: do you really have to spend at least twice the price to get something that is truly better? Is so, the OM1 looks like a bargain to me.
that was my thought also. not Including lens cost. Canon RF pricing is crazy In my mind. Couldn’t do the 150-400 but can pick up used 300 f4 for around $2000 us
that was my thought also. not Including lens cost. Canon RF pricing is crazy In my mind. Couldn’t do the 150-400 but can pick up used 300 f4 for around $2000 us
I think you find that Canon prices are no real different from other full frame systems such as Nikon and Sony when balanced out. Full frame is bound to cost more money simply down to having more material within their construction.

If money was no object, I would love to have a OM 1 and the 150-400 f4 lens alongs my current system as full frame still has some advantage.
In other words: do you really have to spend at least twice the price to get something that is truly better? Is so, the OM1 looks like a bargain to me.

that was my thought also. not Including lens cost. Canon RF pricing is crazy In my mind. Couldn’t do the 150-400 but can pick up used 300 f4 for around $2000 us

Radio silence for a while (thanks C19...)

Niels is correct, your really dont have to spend twice as much. My OM-1 is now very well used for a wide range of stills and film projects and it matches the quality from my full-frame EOS R6 cameras (R5 too, but less resolution) - low light performance is not so good, but the lenses are faster, so everything is equal. I am delighted with my decision to 'Go Olympus.'

With a few tweaks, the AF is quite phenomenal and coupled with the amazing 300 f/4 or the 40-150 f/2.8 it produces exquisite images. I'm also using it for Macro work and again it really delivers the goods - the little 60mm f/2.8 Macro lens is outstanding.

Canon lenses? Insane prices. My 100-500 is still waiting for its journey to the dealer, but they are going to advertise it for 99% of the new price(!) Sadly I loose a % for commision. Olympus lenses do not hold their value so well, but it makes the system accessible and affordable - there are some beautiful 300mm f/4 lenses around for very sensible prices. The new 100-400 lens is versatile, but if you can, get the 300mm and an MC14 converter.
those that have camera how are you getting along with it? Only tried m4/3 a few years ago for a week with m1 mkii

still using Canon at this point

Very happy to have made the change from EOS R6 Paul. No regrets. Image quality is beautiful, lenses are so much lighter and cheaper too. I have no qualms about shooting for magazines and other clients with the OM-1, even if it is small!
Facebook !....not really. He's an established reviewer like him or not, gives his opinion based on what ever testing he dose, ultimately as you say it's a choice to be made.
I would put stock in reviews from people using the camera in similar ways to what I do. That means the majority of reviews- of all brands - are irrelevant to me.
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