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Norwich Birding (3 Viewers)

The pair of Dunnocks that have been fearlessly foraging in my back garden over the past couple of weeks have finally seen their hard work pay off with at least one fledgling in the bushes yesterday evening. The Long-tailed Tits seem to be busily feeding young too, I hope I'm about when they leave the nest. Meanwhile, Blue Tits are again using one of our nest boxes |=)|
Probably best to take it as it was written - when I was there yesterday I couldn't hear a nightingale only song thrushes and a tern, I wondered if the bird or birds had moved on. Clearly it hadn't!
It's been 7 years since I heard nightingale there! Great news that they're back, let's hope they hang around. I see there's ring ouzel at Lusty Hills on campus. One of the best spots in norwich for them there.
Probably best to take it as it was written - when I was there yesterday I couldn't hear a nightingale only song thrushes and a tern, I wondered if the bird or birds had moved on. Clearly it hadn't!

That's how I did take it but it could have easily been interpreted as saying that you disputed the presence of the nightingale and, even, that you may have considered previous observers mis-identifying a tern as a nightingale...
It's been 7 years since I heard nightingale there! Great news that they're back, let's hope they hang around. I see there's ring ouzel at Lusty Hills on campus. One of the best spots in norwich for them there.

I'm going to have a look around there because I have been there in the past and have seen little owls...
A good visit to the patch today in hope of a whispered tern! But instead I had my first Whitethroat of the year along with a pair of Kingfishers. But bird of the day was a Whimbrel that dropped in. This was my 100 th patch tick so well chuffed;-)
Happy birding
A good visit to the patch today in hope of a whispered tern! But instead I had my first Whitethroat of the year along with a pair of Kingfishers. But bird of the day was a Whimbrel that dropped in. This was my 100 th patch tick so well chuffed;-)
Happy birding

You were probably talking too loudly for the tern!
was there today and spot a pair of nightingale's flying together from 1 bush to another near the y section on the track. also 2 green woodpeckers whitethrought warbler longtailed tits, seems to be a nice little spot.
That's how I did take it but it could have easily been interpreted as saying that you disputed the presence of the nightingale and, even, that you may have considered previous observers mis-identifying a tern as a nightingale...

I found one yesterday, thanks for the map
It's been 7 years since I heard nightingale there! Great news that they're back, let's hope they hang around. I see there's ring ouzel at Lusty Hills on campus. One of the best spots in norwich for them there.

It was still there at dusk and was pretty active on the slope on the hospital side below the gorse and gave really good views, but I didn't try to get too close.

Dave, can you pass on my thanks to the finder for finding this and getting the news out. A new bird for me and one of my favourites!
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