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Northumbrian Birding (7 Viewers)

Naughty Santa decided to play hide n seek with my bitterns and beardies.....so I settled for a Short-eared Owl and a stunning male Red-breasted Merganser instead :-O
Only had a couple of hours but it was nice to be out and about in the fresh air :t:

Perhaps the Bearded Tits were playing Santa Claus and your other quarry had bitten of more than he could chew.

Happy Christmas to all.
An hour around Bothal pond on my bike this afternoon did not reveal anything particualarly rare, but I finally added 2012's bogy bird, with a kingfisher sitting on the fence by the Ashington road - my first of the year!

Also had a pair of goldeneye at the other side of the pond - my first there this year - and possibly the most coots I have seen there in one go, totalling well over 60 with plenty of tufted duck, mallards, and wigeon and also 2 teal, 2 mute swan and a cormorant. Also, a single female bullfinch in the bushes along the Bothal banks side of teh pool.

Possibly also had a pintail, but a new bird for me, so not sure, and when I moved to a place where I thought I would get a better view, I couldn't find it aagain! It was a grey duck with white (wing?) patch and black tail, with a long, slender brown neck and brown head. It looks OK-ish from Collins, but definitely did not have a white chest as shown in the guide... so yet another missed opportunity to add a lifer, unless I can get out tomorrow for another look.

Heading back to Morpeth, there were 55 golden plover in the fields near Pegswood (behind the new fire station).
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Possibly also had a pintail, but a new bird for me, so not sure, and when I moved to a place where I thought I would get a better view, I couldn't find it aagain! It was a grey duck with white (wing?) patch and black tail, with a long, slender brown neck and brown head. It looks OK-ish from Collins, but definitely did not have a white chest as shown in the guide... so yet another missed opportunity to add a lifer, unless I can get out tomorrow for another look

I wonder if it could have been a Gadwall, I've always found the white chest of a drake Pintail to be one of the features that stands out the most especially from distance.
I wonder if it could have been a Gadwall, I've always found the white chest of a drake Pintail to be one of the features that stands out the most especially from distance.

I don't think it was a gadwall. The most noticeable thing was it's brown head and neck. I'm wondering if I just overlooked the white chest...although as you say, it should've been obvious....

Anyway, went back this morning, but didn't have as long , so didn't manage to relocate the same bird. The goldeneye also appeared to have left, but the coots and tufted duck were still there and had been joined by about 150 geese, mostly canada goose, but also 2 greylag and 3 distant slightly smaller geese, with very dark bills (bean goose?). Also managed to get the male bullfinch in the same bushes as yesterday's female, and two mistle thrush up by the row of terrace cottages.
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there's also a feeding station across at the light railway halt which was well patronised by the red squirrels when we were there a couple of weeks ago...

Went especially today with hope of viewing these charming little animals. Immediate, wonderful views of a beautiful Red Squirrel on said feeders. Really brightened up a drab day. The Squirrel even climbs in to the perspex feeder box to scran nuts at comfort.....lovely ! :t:

Cheers, Richard.
Very quiet on here......you're probably either all tucked up asleep ready for an early start tomorrow OR in the pub :-O

Happy New Year Everyone ~ here's to a bird-filled 2013! B :)
1st January 2013

Ride up North.
Amble: the usual cormorants, eider, oyster catchers, shag, redshank and gulls enjoying the windy conditions.
Hauxley: Tree sparrows, chaffinch, greenfinch, goldfinch, robin, wren, goosander, teal, wigeon, little grebe, grey heron, tufties etc.
Druridge Park: the usual geese, ducks and gulls, also red breasted merganser.
Ended the day around Cresswell area: hundreds of pinkies and a flock of mixed twite, goldfinch and greenfinch over the dunes.
Enjoyable ride out if it wasn't for the wind :flyaway:.


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Pinkies at Cresswell.
Well worth the journey :t:.


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They WERE pretty special, weren't they! :t:

Popped out this afternoon for 3 hours once the heavy rain eased at midday.

Female Merlin preening on a post close to the Beal side of the causeway across to Holy Island.

Little Egret at Budle Bay *1.35pm* :t:

Stag Rocks: Common Scoter, two male Long-tailed Duck, pair of Red-breasted Merganser, Red-throated Diver, flock of c.50 Twite in the field next to car park, Porpoise halfway between Stag Rocks and Holy Island and Peregrine Falcon hunting past rocks and sending waders up.

Corker of a day :t:
Due over with you next weekend for our traditional birdfest in the NE. As in previous years would welcome any help,advice and guidance re what we might see in the Linton, Cresswell, Druridge, Country Park, East Chevington, Hauxley area. Last year the feeders at the Country Park were a bit sad but the ones at Hauxley were good. What's it like this year? No shore larks I fear? Will wear my green Northern Ireland hat to make me instantly recognisable, if you see me and my birding partner please say hello!
Due over with you next weekend for our traditional birdfest in the NE. As in previous years would welcome any help,advice and guidance re what we might see in the Linton, Cresswell, Druridge, Country Park, East Chevington, Hauxley area. Last year the feeders at the Country Park were a bit sad but the ones at Hauxley were good. What's it like this year? No shore larks I fear? Will wear my green Northern Ireland hat to make me instantly recognisable, if you see me and my birding partner please say hello!
We were in that area recently, but was very windy, so would have kept quite a few species down. See above post. The main highlight was the pinkies.
However, at South Tyneside there are a couple of lap bunting and SE owls on the Leas.
Hope you enjoy your visit :t:.
Couple of hours out yesterday afternoon and FINALLY picked up two Mediterranean Gull on beach at Newbiggin (does the wind ever NOT blow a gale there?), five Pochard at QE11, Little Egret at Warkworth Gut and three Whooper Swans in amongst a flock (herd?) of 23 Mute Swans in fields halfway between Warkworth & Hipsburn :t:

Due over with you next weekend for our traditional birdfest in the NE.

Let us know what day you'll be up and we'll sort out a few birds for you. Is there anything in particular you'd like to see - grebes, divers, sea ducks?
Couple of hours out yesterday afternoon and FINALLY picked up two Mediterranean Gull on beach at Newbiggin (does the wind ever NOT blow a gale there?), five Pochard at QE11, Little Egret at Warkworth Gut and three Whooper Swans in amongst a flock (herd?) of 23 Mute Swans in fields halfway between Warkworth & Hipsburn :t:

Let us know what day you'll be up and we'll sort out a few birds for you. Is there anything in particular you'd like to see - grebes, divers, sea ducks?

Usually looking for stuff we dont get over here or stuff that is more common with you. Owls are nice, pinkies always welcome, odd grebes, woodpeckers, nuthatch, snibs, partridge, twite and raptors. Any red kites North of the Tyne yet, that would be special:t:
Hauxley Reserve closure (temporary)

Just an early warning that NWT will be closing the Hauxley Reserve and car park from 14th Jan 2013 for one week to allow demolition of the burnt out hide. The closure is for safety reasons but there will still be access from the shore path to the top and east hides.

Will post more details when they are available.


Managed an hour at Cresswell pond over lunch yesterday, the hide being the quietest I have seen it for several months (just me and another couple for most of the time I was there).

Plenty of the usual wildfowl around, with teal, wigeon and mallard all numbering 50+, as were the lapwing and redshank, with smaller numbers of tufted duck, gadwall and snipe. There were also several flighty groups of geese, presumably due to the low flying jet fighters and the light aircraft which seemed to come by every 5-10 minutes - mostly pink-footed and greylag, although s small number of canada goose on the pond. Latterly, the long-tailed duck made an appearance over near the footpath, as did singles of great crested grebe and little grebe, with 4 shelduck flying in as I left.

Perhaps the highlight though was as I headed back to the car. An almightly kerfuffle was coming from the fields by the road, as a red fox strolled along the hedges, while a few magpies and crows repeatedly attacked, and a group of 4 grey partridge and 2 pheasant watched from a safe distance!
Just an early warning that NWT will be closing the Hauxley Reserve and car park from 14th Jan 2013 for one week to allow demolition of the burnt out hide. The closure is for safety reasons but there will still be access from the shore path to the top and east hides.

Will post more details when they are available.



A New Year for the Hauxley rebuild!

The demolition of the old hide at Hauxley takes place from Monday 14th-Friday 18th January. The site, including the car park, will be closed although access to the tern, sea view and top hides will be maintained from the coastal path. There will be no access to the wader and Eric’s hides to the east of the ponds.
Kites in Northumberland

Keep a look out in the Alnwick area, Derek. We get reports from time to time from just south of the town, where the A1 sliproad leaves in the northbound direction, and also just north of Alnwick.
If you have the time and can do the distance, we have our roosting kites at the Nine Arches Viaduct, Thornley Woods, Winlaton Mill(parking) - 55 this week when our Monitoring team was out.
Be there two hours before dusk and watch the kites floating around before settling in to their pre-roost and finally their night roost.
We are also due to visit Bamburgh when we get a window in the weather, to build our final kite mosaic. See page 16 Flight of the Kite for details.

Usually looking for stuff we dont get over here or stuff that is more common with you. Owls are nice, pinkies always welcome, odd grebes, woodpeckers, nuthatch, snibs, partridge, twite and raptors. Any red kites North of the Tyne yet, that would be special:t:
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I had this little beauty sitting on my fence for over half an hour yesterday.


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