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Norfolk birding (22 Viewers)

hi everybody im not really into moths but yesterday i had a humming bird hawk moth on the petunias never seen one before just wondered if they were rare location snettisham thanks martin
My understanding is you'll need to be a NWT member to be in any of the hides in the evening, as day permits are 10-5 only, and (unlike at Titchwell) they are not public hides at Cley. If you arrive prior to 5pm, you can join up at the Reserve Centre.
... Then best to be in the hides overlooking Pats Pool at least an hour before dark (dark being 8pm). The Caspians fly in to roost with up to 750 Lesser B-bs and several Yellow-leggeds. The 3rd-w is most regular, but there's been ad and 2nd-w erratically, plus a juv. Also look out for the f-w GB-b Gull x Y-l Gull hybrid, potential fuscus LB-b(ad, sec-w or juvs).

Pats Pool can also be viewed by non-members of NWT from the Reserve Centre car-park.

Thank you for this Richard. I'm already an NWT member as I visit Norfolk from time to time so that's not a problem. I'll give it a go tomorrow and maybe Sunday. I know there are 2 hides that overlook Pat's Pool from different sides, is one of them closer to where the gulls usually are?
Titchwell September 11th

Today's highlights

Whinchat - 2 on saltmarsh this morning
Wheatear - 1 on grazing meadow this morning
Spoonbill - 3 on fresh marsh
Osprey - 1 east @ 11:00
Curlew sandpiper - 3 on fresh marsh
Yellow legged gull - adult on fresh marsh
Little stint - 2 on fresh marsh
Bittern - 1 feeding in front of Fen Hide again this afternoon. Nice photo taken by David Eccles yesterday



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Thank you for this Richard. I'm already an NWT member as I visit Norfolk from time to time so that's not a problem. I'll give it a go tomorrow and maybe Sunday. I know there are 2 hides that overlook Pat's Pool from different sides, is one of them closer to where the gulls usually are?

Depends where they settle, Simmonds or Pats Pool, but Daukes & Teal hides are pretty much equally the best places to view from. Bishop hide (near the road) looks into the eve sun, though sometimes the gulls can be close there (but third choice). North Scrape has lots of gulls some nights, but that isn't the favoured locality for local birders... mainly because the screen has no roof!
I saw it sitting on the beach out from Burnham Overy Dunes yesterday

Wondering if it was the Saker reported at Wells the day before. Superb bird; I'd love to know where it was ringed (stamped metal ring on right leg not decipherable). Steve Gantlett took a series of great photos of it, and my favourite is attached (check out the pale crown) .


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Titchwell September 14th

Today's highlights

Osprey - 1 around the reserve all day. Seen at least twice feeding on top of the tall post of saltmarsh
Wheatear - 1 on fresh marsh
Whinchat - 2 on grazing meadow
Little stint - 3 on fresh marsh
Curlew sandpiper - 1 on fresh marsh
Bittern - 2 in flight together over the reedbed + several other sightings of single birds
Dunlin - 115 on fresh marsh
Spoonbill - 9 on fresh marsh this morning
Redstart - 2 at Thornham Point

Wondering if it was the Saker reported at Wells the day before. Superb bird; I'd love to know where it was ringed (stamped metal ring on right leg not decipherable). Steve Gantlett took a series of great photos of it, and my favourite is attached (check out the pale crown) .

Does appear to be the same bird. I did not see it but impressive looking beast. Photos on twitter of the Warham bird below

And surely a good candidate for calidus (Arctic) Peregrine - with reference to Martin Garner's new book!

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Does appear to be the same bird. I did not see it but impressive looking beast. Photos on twitter of the Warham bird below

And surely a good candidate for calidus (Arctic) Peregrine - with reference to Martin Garner's new book!


I was looking at Martin garners book last night thinking that I may have jumped to saker a bit fast, so interesting to see the last few posts! I don't know much about Arctic peregrine, this was certainly a large bird showing some good features of arctic peg. I'll put some pictures of the bird on my blog later tonight just for the record. It was with a male marsh harrier and was roughly the same size, annoyingly the pics are poor as I had my camera in macro mode and the bird was not close d'oh!
I was looking at Martin garners book last night thinking that I may have jumped to saker a bit fast, so interesting to see the last few posts! I don't know much about Arctic peregrine, this was certainly a large bird showing some good features of arctic peg. I'll put some pictures of the bird on my blog later tonight just for the record. It was with a male marsh harrier and was roughly the same size, annoyingly the pics are poor as I had my camera in macro mode and the bird was not close d'oh!

Ben, I can see why you thought Saker... It looks huge and very pale from your photos!
I had no idea how big these arctic birds are.
Nice bird wish I had seen it too
Titchwell September 15th

Today's highlights

Osprey - 1 still present around the reserve regularly feeding in a post on the saltmarsh
Greenshank - 2 west
Turtle dove - 1 on Autumn Trail this morning
Spoonbill - 1 on fresh marsh this morning only
Yellow legged gull - 1 on fresh marsh
Spotted redshank - 2 on saltmarsh
Sandwich tern - 50 roosting on beach this morning
Wheatear - 1 on beach
Whinchat - 1 on grazing meadow
Curlew sandpiper - 1 on fresh marsh
Little stint - 3 on fresh marsh
Red necked grebe - 1 offshore

Titchwell September 16th

Today's highlights

Osprey - 1 still present fishing in Thornham harbour and feeding on the tall post on the saltmarsh with the occasional foray inland towards Choseley. Probably the longest staying osprey recorded here.
Bittern - regular sightings of bird/s in flight
Spoonbill - 10 on the fresh marsh mid-morning
Peregrine - 1 over beach
Curlew sandpiper - 1 on fresh marsh
Spotted redshank - 17 on fresh marsh
Little stint - 1 on fresh marsh
Black tern - 1 west offshore this morning
Greenshank - 1 on saltmarsh

Titchwell September 17th

Today's highlights

Osprey - still present but much more mobile today
Slavonian grebe - 1 reported offshore
Whinchat - 1 on saltmarsh
Little stint - 1 on fresh marsh
Curlew sandpiper - 2 on saltmarsh
Spotted redshank - 10 on saltmarsh

Titchwell September 18th

Today's highlights

Osprey - 1 still present
Curlew sandpiper - 3 juvs on fresh marsh
Little stint - 1 on fresh marsh
Spoonbill - 6 on fresh marsh until mid morning
Red necked grebe - 1 offshore
Pomerine skua - 1 offshore early morning
Greenshank - 4 on Volunteer Marsh
Spotted redshank - 10 on fresh marsh
Redstart - 1 in reedbed bushes near Island Hide
Hobby - 2 hunting over reedbed
Bittern - 2 birds seen several times in flight over the reedbed today

Last report from me for a couple of weeks as I'm heading north


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