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Noise Reduction of Places in Focus (1 Viewer)


Medicinal Birding
Recently I have been spending much of my time trying to "master" the Adobe Photoshop Elements 13 and so far I like it!
But I am having troubles on place and amount of noise reduction, which is usually the majority of my editing.
Below I attached 3 photos of Eastern Bonelli's Warblers, one is the hidious original version converted to JPEG (with an astounding ISO of 6400), and 3 more far from perfect edits of it by AP13, all in JPEG.
In first one of the edited ones, there is no noise reduction in places in focus at all.
2nd one, slight noise reduction (not color)
3rd one, slight noise and full color reduction.
As you can probably notice I am having difficulties in noise reduction of parts in focus, namely the warbler and the tree its sitting on.
Can you give me any advice?

All pics are taken with 7D + 400mm 5.6.


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Would you be able to post the raw original somewhere - e.g. Dropbox - to share so that we can take a better look at where you started from. I don't use PSE, but I do use Lightroom, and I'd like to see what I can make of it.

However, I have a suspicion that your subject is simply too small in the frame, especially for a 7D shot at 6400 ISO, and thus the small details are being so overpowered by noise that there is really not much you can do. I've used my 7D with reasonable success at 6400 ISO, but only by coming close to filling the frame to begin with.
Would you be able to post the raw original somewhere - e.g. Dropbox - to share so that we can take a better look at where you started from. I don't use PSE, but I do use Lightroom, and I'd like to see what I can make of it.

However, I have a suspicion that your subject is simply too small in the frame, especially for a 7D shot at 6400 ISO, and thus the small details are being so overpowered by noise that there is really not much you can do. I've used my 7D with reasonable success at 6400 ISO, but only by coming close to filling the frame to begin with.

If you can give me your mail address I can send it to you via air bridge :)
Oh and by the way, the original version I attached is also cropped - the real real one is very far away.
I'm sorry, I was unaware that you had replied. This forum is not very good at notifying me of new replies to subscribed threads. However, I have just responded to your private message. From what you've added above I think my earlier guess was correct. Your bird is far too small in the frame for a successful 6400 ISO shot. Still, I'll take a look at the raw file in Lightroom and see if there is anything I can do.
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