I don't understand the emphasis on FF cameras for bird photography. It is brute force at the expense of usability in the field.
Obviously there are advantages in terms of diffraction limits to resolution, but the offset is the huge lenses required. Making a long lens light and compact implies a small sensor, but with good sensor technology, high ISO and pixel size in the 1 micron class should be feasible. I'd much rather have innovation on that front than yet another hulking piece of optics 'innovation'.
It's true that FF capability for birds is redundant in some situations, but in others (low light, shallow dof requirements) it is essential.
The whole rational for these larger format Mirrorless systems, particularly when paired with PF Super Telephotos is to provide a physically smaller, lighter long range birding/wildlife outfit (with appropriate grip ergonomics add-ons hopefully!) whilst maintaining the larger sensor IQ benefits, along with the versatility to change to smaller wide angle, and generalist zooms, and portrait primes for example, as a handy walk around street/ travel set up.
It should be about maximizing utility and value for the customer to set-up as it suits them.
If Nikon is able to offer this fully functional versatility (also read adapters, adapter/converters, and value to the customer) across all 3 formats (FF, APS-C 1.5x, and 1" 2.7x) and Mirrorless/DSLR platforms in class leading product offerings, then it could win itself Lots and Lots of fans.
Nikon needs to ignore any competition from internal product lines, and stop trying to rigidly protect individual segments, and realize it is under the pump from external traditional photographic competition and offer versatile, value filled product systems which will negate those substitutions (particularly the MFT threat).
Moreover, such a strategy (along with the critical addressing of connectivity and image work flow ease, and control by smartphone compatibility ) is the only way it has any chance of dealing with the rapidly growing weight of competition from smartphone photography, apps, and social media.
It will be fascinating with these Mirrorless product launches to see if Nikon reveals itself to be a company of the future, or the past ......
Chosun :gh: