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News from Leica? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
After Zeiss having brought a new line of binoculars to the market (SFL) I am wondering once again if Leica have something in the pipeline, too. Does anybody have fresh information?

I’d love Leica to give us a 7x32 UV or a Noctivid quality 10x42 in an Ultravid housing.
I've heard nothing so far and I'm one of those who are interested in the latest binoculars.

Leica tend not to change their binoculars too often. The most dramatic shift was when they changed from the Trinovid BA to the BN series. Then they introduced another change but this time they also changed the name from Trinovid to Ultravid.

Since the introduction of the Ultravid the improvements from the original Ultravid to the Ultravid HD then the HD+ have been more of an evolutionary than a revolutionary path.

I've owned several of the Trinovid and Ultravid models since 1988 and what's tended to happen is that they have all has the famed Leica colour reproduction (which IMHO is THE best anywhere) but gradually reduced the drawbacks ie distortion and Chromatic Aberration. The latest HD+ are in my experience virtually CA free !

Leica are probably considering something along the lines of the new Zeiss binoculars but they'll probably not move unless they're absolutely convinced whatever it is is going to bring some worthwhile improvements along.

My guess is that if they do move, they will go along the Noctivid path. So you'll probably get things like Noctivid 7x42s etc rather than a brand new design.
I think it will be a long wait for something new from Leica. I hope they prove me wrong. I have a feeling there may never be a 32mm Noctivid. I couldn’t afford one anyway.

I’d love to see the Trinovid HD 8x32 lose some weight and offer a wider fov.
But I think the Trinovid HD is still too young in Leica’s eye and they won’t upgrade it for a long time.
^^^ I agree, "Too young."
They could shrink down the HD32 to Zeiss FL 8x32 size, but in doing so I think they'd be stealing sales from their Ultravid 8x32 line.
I don't see the 7x35 UVD or Not....just not enough of a market. They have the Retrovid and if anything, they might waterproof it. The eyecups? I haven't heard too many people complain about but that would be an easy fix. Leica's money/profit line is not binoculars so they are not going to sink a ton into this division in my thinking. Not in today's times.....
Maybe this thread should be renamed "Leica pipe dreams" 😂.

I'd love a 7x35 or 32 UV but I don't think we will ever see it, sadly. Neither do I believe in a x32 Noctivid because the double-hinge design and Leica compactness don't go well together. I wouldn't mind if Leica went back to the traditional single-hinge design.

I've just returned from a day out in the woods. I was looking for fallow deer and I felt the low magnification of my UV 7x42 was so much better than a larger magnification due to its great depth of focus. There should definitely be more lower powered binoculars like the above mentioned 6x24 or a 7x20something.

I am fairly limited in my choice because I want those addictive Leica colours in a compact bin with a curved field. That's why I'd love to hear news from Leica. For the time being, I am happy to share Leica wishlists with you 😂
After Zeiss having brought a new line of binoculars to the market (SFL) I am wondering once again if Leica have something in the pipeline, too. Does anybody have fresh information?

I’d love Leica to give us a 7x32 UV or a Noctivid quality 10x42 in an Ultravid housing.
I'm afraid Leica is slowly saying goodbye to the alpha market, maybe the Noctivid 8/10x42 will remain the No. 1 for a long time.

Leica seems to be increasingly concentrating on the electronic market, i.e. rangefinder binoculars etc., in this segment they still have large market shares.
As beautiful as the Noctivids are, they were never able to assert themselves against the models from Zeiss and Swarovski. In addition, the sports optics division is only a side segment of Leica, so that they are completely different, especially with Swarovski.

Leica is always a bit behind with new innovations, Zeiss and Swarovski are simply ahead.

I think Leica caters for low mag fans very well already with the 7x bins in its range. Better than most other manufacturers anyway. I also don’t see any other NV’s in the future either. Fantastic as it is (and mostly loved by those who have actually experienced it) it hasn’t generally been preferred by alpha owners over the top offerings from Swarovski and Zeiss for a variety of reasons. Leica isn’t inclined to compete actively in the binocular market, and if there was any doubt about it I think that the NV proved that Leica’s design philosophy and the associated design comprises may appeal to Leica enthusiasts, but not to the wider market. They probably have little incentive to expand the range beyond the most popular x42 size. Just MHO.......
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I'm afraid Leica is slowly saying goodbye to the alpha market, maybe the Noctivid 8/10x42 will remain the No. 1 for a long time.

Leica seems to be increasingly concentrating on the electronic market, i.e. rangefinder binoculars etc., in this segment they still have large market shares.
As beautiful as the Noctivids are, they were never able to assert themselves against the models from Zeiss and Swarovski. In addition, the sports optics division is only a side segment of Leica, so that they are completely different, especially with Swarovski.

Leica is always a bit behind with new innovations, Zeiss and Swarovski are simply ahead.

You posted this whilst I was writing my post. Seems we broadly think the same! 😉
One would think that as a boutique brand Leica could cater to specialist wishes for 6x etc... but I don't see evidence of plans or a "pipeline" at all. Looking around at the fate of other recent models, I think one should just be glad that Leica still makes all those they do, with the Retrovids as an unexpected bonus.
Leica is always a bit behind with new innovations, Zeiss and Swarovski are simply ahead.

Even in the Leica Camera division line....you will find that Leica M camera's or whatever they come out with other than M, is always a bit lacking. Quality is there beyond reason as every intricate detail is in place, the Leica 'look' is evident, the style is spot on....the price is there big time, the red dot is there, knowing it is backed up 100% by Leica is there etc.... but feature wise, they usually lag behind. You buy a Leica because you are a Leica fan..... there is always a better product (Perhaps not the 7x35 or 8/10x 32 or even the 7x42), there is always a cheaper product with more features. Again, you buy a Leica because you want a Leica.
...you buy a Leica because you want a Leica.
Great post, and I just wanted to add that I personally didn't care what brand of binocular I got initially, just that I wanted as much quality as I could get, in the most compact package. Also looking very hard at a couple other items out there too now.
I used to be frustrated by Leica's comparatively slow pace in releasing new products. More recently though, I've realized that is what makes them Leica.

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