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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

New Sigma 150/600 (1 Viewer)

Taken today.

Super capture! Would it be possible to provide some details about this picture? (ie: Shutter priority, Speed 1/500, f/6.3, ISO 400, 600mm). These information are helpful. I have friends who are interested in getting the Sport version. Thanks! :)
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Super capture! Would it be possible to provide some details about this picture? (ie: Shutter priority, Speed 1/500, ISO 400, 600mm). These information are helpful. I have friends who are interested in getting the Sport version. Thanks! :)

In the order that you've asked, Aperture Priority, 1/640, ISO 200, 600mm. F7.1 and spot metering which you didn't ask about.
great thanks
nice kite bye the way
tryed back in the summer at a feeding station and realised how fast they fly
i had some success but not easy
Hands down beats any kite shot I have managed with my 70D and 400.

Chris I like that coot but think the one in your stream where it is stretching its wing is a better image.

Is everyone keeping the OS permanently switched on? The guy who took the Red Panda shot I linked to seemed to be saying that he was using the OS with a monopod which I would probably do too if it works
Not this exact lens but the SIGMA 80-400/4.5-5.6 DG OS and I leave the OS on all the time whether hand held or on the tripod with great results.
Hands down beats any kite shot I have managed with my 70D and 400.

Chris I like that coot but think the one in your stream where it is stretching its wing is a better image.

Is everyone keeping the OS permanently switched on? The guy who took the Red Panda shot I linked to seemed to be saying that he was using the OS with a monopod which I would probably do too if it works

I've tried all OS settings over short periods but mainly keep it set on 2. Once the weather improves I'll probably try them all for a day each and see what works best. The shutter speed should be about 1000 at 600mm and I'm going down much further than that but did the same with my old lens which didn't have OS.
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