Now that's a bit polemic
You just need to go to the birdforum ID section to see that there is a good demand for help with identifying birds from pictures.
From looking at a few recent queries, I feel that the Merlin app (and the Swaro Visio) is pretty much as good as the combined intelligence of the birdforum crowd from the different corners of the world.
Merlin gives good answers to queries that are quickly solved by the birdforum crowd as well. This includes queries with pretty crappy record shots. Some recent examples.
Then there are often hot debates on birdforum, like this recent one where birdforum can't agree if it's a Water Pipit, Tawny Pipit or even Yellow Wagtail. Merlin says Water Pipit, I say it's a water pipit. But both of us can't really be trusted when so many birdforum experts don't agree.
North Macedonia - Water or Tawny Pipit?
Of course it's a valid question if this new toy is worth 5000$. But for sure it's not just real dummies who would find it useful.
Just play the game and try answering the most recent 20 birdforum ID queries yourself. Are you better than Merlin / Swaro Visio?