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New 7x42 UVHD+ lens issue (1 Viewer)


New member
Hi! I was a happy owner of Ultravid HD+ 7x42 until yesterday I discovered that there is something wrong with one of the front lenses. I write this post to get advice what could be the reason of this defect, maybe some of you had similar problem.
On the inner side of the front lens there is something that look like a scratch and it is surrounded by foggy blob, but it is definitely not a fog. Around it there are two circular cracks. It is only visible if under bright light (like flashlight), normally it is very hard to spot, almost impossible to see under normal light. So it is possible that it was there since the beginning and I just didn't catch it when I was looking at the lenses after purchase.
I don't see any degradation of the image caused by this imperfection. I tried to look through both lenses I can't tell any difference between the faulty and the good one.

However it worries me, something like this should not happen and I'm thinking about sending the binoculars for repair under warranty.

Please take a look on attached photos. I will appreciate any suggestions, maybe someone experienced something similar. Thanks!


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hard to say what it is even with the detailed pictures - might be a scratch on the surface of a lens or some imperfection inside the glass.

But I am quite sure that at that size and position one will not be able to measure any image degradation because of this, let alone see it.

Hard to say what I would do in your position - if I had bought it new for sth close to MSRP, I would probably talk to the vendor about it and see what happens - after all this cosmetic problem will affect resale value. Maybe you can get a discount even if an exchange is not possible.

If I had bought it used or at a great discount (much more probable in my case ;-) - I would probably ignore it.

Get 'em checked out..... you will never be happy otherwise.
These are top drawer optics, and a hefty price, so need to be spot on.
When they come back sorted you will know they have been carefully checked over.
I had a slight issue with my Swaro CL8x25's. Sent them away, and 4 weeks later they came back perfect.
I'm even more fond of them now😍
The second photo shows another scratch which appears to be on the outside surface?

In any case I would have them checked if you are in any doubt about the marks.
Thanks for your comments, looks like I will just send them for a check.

Mike F, this scratch is definitely on a different depth, however not in the outer surface. Looks like in the middle of the glass (I guess this lens consists of two pieces glued together)

I improvised some macro lens for the phone camera and made some photos with different focus. In the first one you see the dust on the outer surface in focus. Second one is focused on this scratch in the middle. Third one on the other scratch, which looks like on the innermost surface.


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Thanks for your comments, looks like I will just send them for a check.

Mike F, this scratch is definitely on a different depth, however not in the outer surface. Looks like in the middle of the glass (I guess this lens consists of two pieces glued together)

I improvised some macro lens for the phone camera and made some photos with different focus. In the first one you see the dust on the outer surface in focus. Second one is focused on this scratch in the middle. Third one on the other scratch, which looks like on the innermost surface.
Not even a second thought should be considered here. Call Leica, get the process of shipping them in to get checked and repaired , period. As others have said in numerous forum posts, $2000+ binoculars should be almost perfect with no defects in glass and coatings. And if used, you could still send them in and see if they’ll repair under warranty and/or get estimate for repair. Then make a decision.

I have a 7x42 UVHD brand new with Leica right now. I sent it in two weeks ago because of a small crescent mark of some kind that looks like its on the inside of one of the lenses.

Good luck, let us know how it goes.

As others have hinted this is unacceptable for a premium product like Leica.

Return to the vendor or alternately send them to Leica with your receipt.

Don't worry about Germany vs Portugal . the Portuguese factory is also the Leica service centre and I can personally recommend them having had a well used pair of Ultravid 8x42s overhauled there, were restored to perfection.

LEICA – Aparelhos Ópticos de Precisão, S.A.

Rua da Leica, 55 — Lousado

4760-810 Famalicão


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