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Need guide recommendations for Java and Bali (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hello Fellow Birders,

I am planning a trip to Indonesia in August-October 2023 and have a guide for Sulawesi and Halmahera. I prefer to hire local guides in the area I bird so I'm looking for suggestions for a guide in Java, specifically to guide in the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park and another for the island of Bali. Thank you!
i Know I local guide for Baluran,
Thanks but that area is not on our itinerary for this trip. However, why don't you list his name here, if that is okay, so that others who search for Indonesia info might see it? I'd really like to do another Indonesia trip in the future, but my birding gf isn't too hot on that idea. We are hitting Sulawesi, Halmahera, Bali and Gurung Gede this trip. Hopefully, in the future we'll make it to Borneo and the Malaysian mainland. PNG would be another trip. I just have to keep this old body going so that I can do all of this!
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As well as being good on Bali, Hery is also very good for Java! Khaleb (Jakartabirder) is also an excellent guide. We have used both and had a good time.
As well as being good on Bali, Hery is also very good for Java! Khaleb (Jakartabirder) is also an excellent guide. We have used both and had a good time.
What I usually try to do is hire guides who live near where I want to bird. I could be wrong but I figure that recommended guides in each area might be a better way to go both financially and in terms of knowledge. My impression is that companies often hire local guides anyhow. Also, I like to spread my money around.
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