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Mystery Bird Call - Patuxent Research Refuge, Laurel, MD, USA (2 Viewers)


United States

Looking for any pointers about a mysterious (to me) bird call. I could heard them calling repeatedly across a marshy area, probably from a group of trees in the distance. The call I am talking about is the trilling repeated in the track behind the sparrows. Seems too high for a kingfisher to my ear, but I'm still learning calls so didn't know what to make of it.



  • 2023-01-10 08_52 mystery bird.wav
    1.9 MB
I've done quite a bit of ARU (autonomous recording unit) transcription from wetlands in Ontario and while Marsh Wren were very common I don't recognize that call. That being said, it could be a vocalization that southern populations make and more northerly ones don't. I have heard Carolina's make acall similar to that though.
If it is of help, I have never seen marsh around the refuge (and there are nice marshes there), but there are loads of Carolinas [I birdwatch the area quiet frecuently].
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